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#885- Deed; From Vargos to City of South Bend-Lot 45 as shown on Plat of Susan M. Stokes Sub. Of Bank Out Lots of the City of SB, ex. From Lot, a strip of land 15' & 3' wide taken off the SE side. ‎(541 S. Walnut)‎[Icon] 17 Board of Public Works
#887- Deed; Quitclaim - From Moore to City of South Bend-23.56' off the W side of Lot 4, Fowler's Sub. To City[Icon] 3 Board of Public Works
#888- Deed; Easement and ROW - From Cressy to City of South Bend-A 5' easement E of and adjacent to the E. right-of-way line of Chapin St. Inner Belt along the full length of Lot 6 of Mary Witherill's Sub. Of Bank Out Lot 32. ‎(Southold)‎[Icon] 4 Board of Public Works
#889- Deed; Easement and ROW - From Welsheimer to City of South Bend- 5' easement E of and adjacent to the E right-of-way line of the Chapin St. Inner Belt along the full length of Lot 18 of Francis L. Keefer's Sub. Of Bank Out Lots 29&30[Icon] 20 Board of Public Works
#89- Deed; Corby Street at Jacob Street[Icon] 6 Board of Public Works
#890- Deed; Quitclaim - From Commercial CO. to City of South Bend-Lot 63 as shown on Plat of Oakside 3rd Add. To City[Icon] 3 Board of Public Works
#891- Deed; Quitclaim - From Historical Soc. To City of South Bend-property known as LaSalle's Landing.[Icon] 11 Board of Public Works
#891- Deed; Quitclaim - From Historical Soc. To City of South Bend-property known as LaSalle's Landing..[Icon] 13 Board of Public Works
#893- Deed; Quitclaim - From Kardel & Upton to City of South Bend-lot of land 32' wide, fronting on Frantz Ave., now George Ave., taken from the entire length of the SE side of Lot 9 as shown on Plat of George L. Frantz's 3rd Add. To City[Icon] 5 Board of Public Works
#894- Deed; Quitclaim - From Henning & Conn to City of South Bend-33' from the S ends of Lots 72&73 in Studebaker's 1st Add. To City[Icon] 7 Board of Public Works
#895- Deed; Quitclaim - From Lawson to City of South Bend-part of Lot 10 in Sorin's 1st Add. To SB, which part is bounded by a line beginning at the intersection of the S line of Lot with the W line of Frances St - 726 frances[Icon] 6 Board of Public Works
#896- Deed; Warranty - From Realty, Inc. to City of South Bend-Beginning at the SW corner of the SW quarterof Sec. 20, Twp. 37 N.,Range 3 E., Penn Twp., St Joseph County…Retention Basin NE corner of inwood and ironwood[Icon] 8 Board of Public Works
#897- Deed; Easement and ROW - From Lueneburgs to City of South Bend- a 30' strip of land in the NE quarter Sec. 30, Twp. 37 N, Range 3 E, for the construction, repair, and maintenance of a 30in storm sewer…[Icon] 6 Board of Public Works
#898- Deed; Easement and ROW - From Lueneburgs to City of South Bend-permanent right-of-way easement for roadway and a temp. easement for clearing and grading from the N and E sides of the following tract of land[Icon] 6 Board of Public Works
#899- Deed; Right of Entry Agreement - Betweent Lueneburgs & City of South Bend-right of entry agreement. NW corner of the intersection of Ireland & Ironwood Rds.[Icon] 8 Board of Public Works
#9 - Deed; Blaine Avenue, at LaPorte Ave.[Icon] 3 Board of Public Works
#90- Deed; Washington Ave from Jacob St to twyckenham Dr[Icon] 6 Board of Public Works
#900- Deed; Quitclaim - From Klota ‎(Sole survivng Heir of Mary Klota)‎ to City of South Bend-6 ft. E side Lot 22 and all of Lot 21 in Clement Studebaker's Oak Grove Sub. In City[Icon] 4 Board of Public Works
#901 - Deed; Warranty - From Woods to City of South Bend-lot of land takne from the entire W end of Lot 27 as shown on Plat of College Grove, an Add. To City of SB ‎(Washington St. Retention Basin)‎[Icon] 10 Board of Public Works
#902 - Deed; Quitclaim and Warranty - NW corner of Lot 34, running then S on the E line of Jackson St., 45'[Icon] 8 Board of Public Works
#903 - Deed; Warranty and Quit Claim - E half of Lot 34 as shown on the Plat of College Grove[Icon] 10 Board of Public Works
#904 - Deed; Warranty - From Perrys to City of South Bend-part of Lots 41&42 as shown on Plat of College Grove, platted by Benjamin Winans, now within and part of City of SB, which part is described as…[Icon] 5 Board of Public Works
#905 - Deed; Warranty - From Walkers to City of South Bend-part of Lots 41 & 42 as shown on Plat of College Grove, platted by Benjamin Winans, part of City of SB whch part is bounded by a line running as follows…[Icon] 4 Board of Public Works
#906 - Deed; Sheriffs - To City of South Bend-114' N end Lot 42 College Grove Add., 66' S side 60' W side Lot 42 College Grove Add. Retention Basin[Icon] 7 Board of Public Works
#907 - Deed; Quitclaim - From Drivers to City of South Bend-part of Lot 50 in Talbot's Plat in Portage Twp., part of City of SB, bounded by a line running as follows-Beginning at the SE corner of Lot 50…[Icon] 7 Board of Public Works
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