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No. 0001 desiring to facilitate acquisition of properties in the Sample Street Project Area[Icon] 1
No. 0002 approving conditions under which relocation payments will be made for Project No. IND R-7[Icon] 1
No. 0005 certificate of recording officer[Icon] 2
No. 0006 authorizing position fidelity schedule bond covering slum clearance and urban renewal projects[Icon] 1
No. 0007 determining four appraisers selected that possess qualifications justifying expectations that they will furnish appraisal reports and can act with confidence[Icon] 3
No. 0008 approving conditions under which relocation payments will be made for Project No. IND R-7[Icon] 1
No. 0009 approving undertaking of general neighborhood renewal plan and filing of application for federal advance of funds[Icon] 2
No. 0011 commencing the formation of said Department/Ordinance No. 4121 creating the South Bend Redevelopment Commission[Icon] 2
No. 0012 establishnig Sample Street Redevelopment Project Area[Icon] 3
No. 0013 considering redevelopment of the Sample Street project Area for non-residential uses for the proper development of the COSB[Icon] 1
No. 0014 declaratory resolution one, Sample Street Redevelopment Project Area[Icon] 6
No. 0015 approving an urban renewal plan and conditions under which relocation payments will be made for project no. INDIANA $-7[Icon] 3
No. 0016 authorizing the filing of an application for loan and grant for project No. INDIANA R-7[Icon] 2
No. 0017 confirmatory Resolution One, Sample Street Redevelopment Project Area adopted June 16, 1960[Icon] 2
No. 0018 adopted Res. No. 14 on May 5, 1960 declaring certain real estate in the South Bend Redevelopment District to be a blighted area[Icon] 8
No. 0019 authorizing the filing of HHFA Form H 6144 requestio for concurrence in acquisition prices ‎(adopted 7/7/1960)‎[Icon] 1
No. 0020 approving undertaking of General Neighborhood Renewal Plan and filing of application for federal advance of funds[Icon] 3
No. 0021 issuance of bonds in the amount of $1,100,000, acquisition cost, clearance and renewal of property described in Res. No. 14[Icon] 1
No. 0022 approving/providing execution of posposed loan/capital grant contract No. INDIANA R-7‎(LG)‎, establishing a project expenditures account and for other purposes[Icon] 3
No. 0023 authorizing the issuance of certain project temp. loan notes in connection with urban renewal project No. INDIANA R-7 and providing for the security for the payment thereof and for other purposes[Icon] 13
No. 0024 authorizing the commissioners to approve the option agreements for acquisition of parcels in the Sample Street Project INDIANA R-7[Icon] 1
No. 0026 Option Agreements ‎(Forms no. RO 104)‎ used for acquisition of realestate in the Sample Street Project Area INDIANA R-7[Icon] 1
No. 0027 authorizing legal advertising for bids on demolition work in the Sample Street Redevelopment Area Project No. INDIANA R-7[Icon] 1
No. 0028 awarding the demolition contract for the Sample Street Redevelopment Project Area, INDIANA R-7[Icon] 2
No. 0029 authorizing approval of proposed Chapin Street Clearance Project[Icon] 1
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