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Board and Common Council's Parks, Arts, Recreation and Culture Committee. The last would <br />be a hybrid of above, something that might meld the two options. <br />Committeemember Farrell stated that option number two (2) works best for the Park Board, <br />because it allows them to use their existing meeting time, and it enables them to take the <br />feedback from the standing committees and integrate the ideas and programs into an existing <br />structure. <br />Councilmember Kelly stated that his fear is that what they are becoming now is redundant to <br />what the Park Board and his PARC committee is doing. This committee has been very useful in <br />terms of allowing for public input and making solid recommendations. This process doesn't <br />have to end, but we just need to make recommendations the Park Committee can act on in ways <br />that are appropriate, rather than stepping on the toes of the committees that are already in place. <br />I would be interested in pursuing the second bullet point, so that our advisory committee doesn't <br />extend into an oversight committee. <br />Councilmember White needs a level of confidence and clarity when it comes to progress reports <br />and updates. When you look at our committee structure at the Council level, our committee time <br />is very short. What would the reports look like and how much time would be allotted when you <br />bring the reports in front of the two bodies? You have to make sure that there is adequate time to <br />give the reports and receive feedback as well. <br />Committeemember Perri stated that between the two entities, there would be three (3) meetings <br />every month with agendas that could be dedicated to these reports. It comes down to logistics <br />when you are talking about all of the different meetings. Councilmember White stated that we <br />spend a lot of time putting all of the information together, and it can't get lost in the other work <br />that we do. <br />Councilmember Kelly stated his confidence in Aaron and the rest of the board. He wants to <br />allow people to do the jobs that they were asked to do. <br />Councilmember Broden said that because there has been so much need for fact finding and <br />engaging in consultants, she believes that the outcome of the public process will give options that <br />will have to be decided upon. Looking forward, if the consultants are doing the work on the <br />management side, the ecological assessments are happening, I want to have a good and robust <br />discussion that relies on the expertise that we have heard before. Two more meetings in the late <br />summer or early fall of the folks that have been tracking this issue and the work that we have <br />done that has incorporated the public, along with the experts will allow the task to be valuable, <br />adding faithfulness to the process, and bringing about something substantial and something the <br />public could buy into. <br />It keeps the issue among the same players, and we'll still have the opportunity to make a <br />recommendation of the options that are there. It will still be advisory and allow us to make the <br />recommendation. <br />