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Councilmember Kelly stated that the players are part of his concern. The full Park Board and the <br />full PARC Committee isn't here. Aaron has already started the consulting process, so I think it <br />is even more important that those folks be involved. This can act as a springboard to what I <br />expected this committee to do. <br />Committeemember Perri stated that the first consulting agreement does conclude with a public <br />meeting to report on the findings, similar to how we've asked that public engagement be <br />embedded into the contractual terms. I can ensure that public reporting is embedded in there, <br />too. <br />Councilmember Voorde offered support to Committeemember Farrell's suggestion that a regular <br />report be incorporated into the committee agendas. There needs to be some specificity as to <br />what each of the committees are to do. It seems that there should be a committee for golf <br />interests and a committee for ecological interests like standing subcommittees, and they have an <br />opportunity to report. Get a little structure, and put it in the agenda as an agenda item, and <br />you're home free as long as the committees do their jobs. <br />Council Attorney Cekanski - Farrand stated that regardless of what the special committee decides, <br />based on Recommendation Six (6) and the various options, any council member could ask me to <br />draft the resolution that extends this and that could be on the next agenda. <br />Councilmember White stated that the most important part of this is that communication must <br />continue, input that we don't want to lose, the hard work that's been done, and that we have a <br />structure in place that will facilitate communication and transparency. There's no saying that I <br />won't choose to be on one of the standing committees. If the Park Department goes in that <br />direction, the standing committees must be clearly defined. <br />Committeemember Perri stated that the Dropbox will stay alive, and that we could continue to <br />add to it. <br />Laura Fuderer, 18485 Garwood Ct., is the conservation chair for the South Bend/Elkhart <br />Audubon Society. To me, an assessment indicates the identification of the ecological health of <br />the property. I'm disappointed that Recommendation One (1) doesn't ask the consultant to keep <br />an eye to the ecological impact of those procedures. I wish that it suggested that the firm <br />consider the cost and feasibility of certification by Audubon International which would involve <br />putting into effect sustainable practices of golf course management. I would remind everyone <br />that Audubon International is not affiliated with the Audubon Society of which we are a chapter. <br />Committeemember Perri stated that it is important to recognize that the natural resource <br />management plan will include the ecological threats, techniques to mitigate those, that's going to <br />be very important to us everywhere. <br />Councilmember Broden asked if we could incorporate those into one, and Committeemember <br />Perri said yes. <br />10 <br />