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stakeholders and the public must be integral /embedded in the contractual terms of City hired <br />consultants. <br />Councilmember Broden said that this is a very intentional recommendation. It will be great to <br />have the consultants, but we don't want to lose the energy of the volunteers. <br />Recommendation Four (4): Park Department and Park Board, in conjunction with public input, <br />update the City of South Bend Five (5) Year Park Master Plan. Consider formation of advisory <br />or standing committees. <br />Councilmember White stated that this goes back to the need to assure and clearly define how the <br />public input can be received but also be part of the planning process. As you look at the work <br />that is before the park department, park board, and also the City at large, standing committees <br />can really assist with gathering information. We'll want to encourage and maintain the levels of <br />interest and support for Elbel and all of the parks that we'll be looking at during this process. <br />Committeemember Farrell stated that as a member of the Park Board, he is very excited about <br />getting the input from the community. He is a big believer of having the standing committees <br />around the events that the parks run so that they are hearing the voice of the people and making <br />decisions based on that voice. <br />Recommendation Five (5): Mr. Perri stated that we will manage and maintain the golf course <br />throughout 2016 and we'll budget for Elbel the same for 2017. Future use decision is differed at <br />this time. We're not talking about sale or lease or management contract. We're not making any <br />of those decisions today, but we're going to budget for the most costly scenario for 2017. There <br />won't be a scenario where you would see us put nothing in the line item for Elbel. We will have <br />resources dedicated to Elbel. <br />Committeemember Farrell asked when the FY2017 budget is going to be set. Councilmember <br />White explained that the budget process will begin with a kickoff from the Administration in <br />April or May. Prior to that time, the Council members will be asked to identify what they would <br />like to see in the budget. The actual budget hearings will most likely take place in July and <br />August. <br />It is important that as we do move forward, we identify funds in the budget for Elbel so we don't <br />have to ask for additional appropriations. The Council cannot increase the budget, but it can <br />reduce the budget. <br />Council Attorney Cekanski - Farrand stated that the absolute deadline is prior to November 1 st <br />Councilmember White mentioned that all of the information from last year's budget process is <br />online if anyone would like to review it to learn about the budget process. <br />Recommendation Six (6): Our time frame as directed by the resolution expires on April 15tH <br />The Park Board and the South Bend Common Council could adopt parallel resolutions extending <br />the oversight of this committee through FY 2016. Or we could disband the committee and just <br />have progress report updates to be integrated into the public meeting agendas for both the Park <br />