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Personnel and Finance Committee Meeting <br />July 29, 2009 <br />Page 5 <br />presentation on the adjusted Police Department budget. He thanked Mr. Pinckert and <br />Police Chief Boykins and Division Chief Horvath for their presentation. <br />Presentation on the Proposed 2010 South Bend Fire Department Budget: <br />Following a brief recess, Council Member Tom LaFountain reconvened the Personnel and <br />Finance Committee meeting and called for a presentation on the proposed 2010 South <br />Bend Fire Department budget. <br />Mayor Luecke stated that the City will continue to address its top priorities, with the <br />budgets being heard today being the "best that the City will have". <br />Joining the Committee at this time were Fire Chief Howard Buchanon, ll, Assistant Chief <br />for Operations Jim Lopez, Assistant Chief for Services Mark Nowicki, Assistant Chief for <br />Inspections and Fire Prevention Federico "Chico" Rodriguez, Battalion Chief of EMS <br />Stephen Cox. <br />Mayor Luecke stated that he has authorized the Fire Department to add $3 million back <br />into their proposed 2010 budget from the cuts that they had made; and that he had <br />authorized the Police Department to add $2 million from the cuts that that department had <br />made. The Mayor further stated that the Fire Department will be applying for fire grants. <br />He added that the Park Deparkment has also authorized the Park Department to add <br />$900,000 back into their proposed 2010 budget; with the rest of the City Departments <br />being "bare bones". <br />Fire Chief Howard Buchanon, II stated that any fire grant money would be in addition to the <br />proposed 2010 budget which they are presenting. Their MOU is for 248 sworn fire <br />fighters; and the SBFD currently has 240 sworn fire fighters. The Fire Department <br />projections are that they would have to use $800,000 more in overtime monies if these <br />positions are not filled; plus the draft 2010 does not reflect any financial impact which may <br />result from negotiations. If the Council had not passed the LOIT and Public Safety .Tax <br />along with the County Council, the SBFD would be looking at the elimination of 44 <br />positions; with all of those being sworn personnel except for one. Since the SBFD is <br />already down eight (8) sworn positions, a total of 52 firefighters would have been affected. <br />In response to questions from Council Member White, Chief Buchanon and the Council <br />Attorney noted that they are continuing to work on a new user fee ordinance for the <br />inspection bureau; which is being carefully crafted in light of the many statutes involved. <br />City Controller Fanello stated that the SBFD budget which the Common Council has <br />reflects the City Administration's suggestion to cut $4.4 million from the 2009 budget for <br />the 2010 draft budget. In light of the passage of LOIT and the Public Safety tax, the SBFD <br />has been requested to add back in $3 million of those cuts and return to the Council with <br />an updated presentation. <br />