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Personnel and Finance Committee Meeting <br />July 29, 2009 <br />Page 4 <br />In response to a question from Dr. Varner, Division Chief Horvath stated that the <br />department can hire officers in phases, and the goal is to get to 260 sworn police officers <br />on the department by the end of 2010. Mr. Pinckert added that it takes almost a year to <br />get a person through the Police Academy in Plainfield. <br />Mayor Luecke stated that the SBPD is down by seven (7) officers now with three (3) more <br />vacancies anticipated later this year. The guidelines given to the Police Department were <br />to decrease the department by 26 officers. His goals is to be at full-strength of 260 officers <br />by the end of 2010. <br />Presentation on the Proposed 2010 Police Pension Fund Budget: <br />Pages 5-3 and 5-4 2010 recommended budget $12,314,846 <br />SBPD Reflects 2% cut = $ 250,473 <br />Don Pinckert noted that he is also the Secretary of the Police Pension Fund. He stated <br />that would like to review the proposed 2010 budget with the Committee. Mr. Pinckert <br />provided a 1-page handout entitled "South bend Police Pension Fund 2010 Adjusted <br />Budget' (copy attached). <br />Mr. Pinckert stated that the city is responsible for the retired officers under the 1925 Fund. <br />There are six (6) officers under this fund each of which have 32 or more years of service <br />on the Police Department. The City also pays the costs for the seven (7) active officers <br />under the 1977 Fund who converted. All other officers are part of the program where the <br />city receives pension relief which is almost 100% reimbursement. The 1St reimbursement <br />installment was received in June. <br />Mr. Pinckert noted that if negotiations result in new numbers on the pension base, that this <br />would have to be reflected in the budget. <br />City Controller Fanello noted that the state reimburses for pension costs only and would <br />provide additional information later. <br />Dr. Varner stated that with the state's reimbursement for such pension expenses, it <br />becomes a cash flow issue. <br />In response to a question from Council Member Kirsits, Mr. Pinckert stated that no one <br />singed up for DROP this year but two (2) have signed up for it in 2011 with one of those <br />positions being reimbursed by the state. <br />Council Member LaFountain suggested that once the numbers are worked on reflecting <br />LOIT and the federal grant that he would like to schedule a time to have a new <br />