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Personnel and Finance Committee Meeting <br />July 29, 2009 <br />Page 6 <br />In response to questions from Council President Dieter, Chief Buchanon stated that he <br />would like to stay at the same staffing levels for sworn fire fighter personnel as budgeted <br />for 2009, and therefore he will need an additional $800,000 in order to meet that goal. If <br />those additional funds are not found, staffing will be affected which will result in additional <br />overtime costs. <br />Chief Buchanon noted that it is his understanding that under the Safer Grant, that the <br />SBFD will only be allowed to apply for three (3) sworn firefighter positions. <br />In response to questions from Council Members Kirsits and Dieter, Mayor Luecke stated <br />that the Administration will be requesting that an additional $250,000 be transferred from <br />the EMS revenue account to the General Fund in 2010 for operational costs for the SBFD. <br />Battalion Chief of EMS Stephen Cox stated that they would be meeting with St. Joseph <br />Medical Center staff next week to discuss the projected increase in operation costs to the <br />SBFD to take people by ambulance to their new location in Mishawaka which opens on 12 ~ <br />14-09. Mayor Luecke stated that many legal issues are being addressed in light of this <br />upcoming move, all aspects of it are being reviewed, and the Administration will keep the <br />Council updated. <br />Dr. Varner suggested that it may be appropriate to start seriously looking at the <br />recommendations made in the Kernan-Shepard Report. <br />Chief Buchanon stated that the issue becomes one of taking South Bend ambulances to <br />Mishawaka, and the potential of having all available ambulances in Mishawaka at one <br />time. <br />Mayor Luecke stated that there are mutual assistance agreements in place, but that all <br />aspects of this upcoming move of the hospital are being researched and discussed. <br />In response to a question from Council Member Puzzello, Battalion Chief of EMS Stephen <br />Cox. Stated that if a transport to the Mishawaka hospital is necessary as a result of a gun <br />shooting, protocols would require police personnel to also be in Mishawaka. He further <br />noted that patient choice is a national standard with regard to hospitals. Traffic concerns, <br />especially during the holiday season will extend the response times, which is also a <br />concern. <br />In response to questions from Council Member La Fountain, patient choice is driven by the <br />type of insurance coverage which a person has; their religion; and other factors. <br />Council Member Kirsits suggested that updated information be given to the Council, similar <br />to what Ted Foti presented from Memorial Hospital, with regard to Medicare patients, etc. <br />