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REGULAR MEETING MARCH 23, 2009 <br /> <br /> <br /> <br />Bend? He replied that it is because we get so much snow and ice. Councilmember <br />Rouse stated that the City can do better and must have a comprehensive plan, not just on <br />major developments like the Douglas Road Project and Eddy Street Commons, but can <br />do better on other areas of the city. He stated that tonight it was mentioned that Ft. <br />Wayne is on the cutting edge, an outstanding city, and have put into place a program <br />called Lean Six Sigma. He stated that Six Sigma for those who have worked out in the <br />private sector and business environment are familiar with that term. Six Sigma came out <br />of General Electric and Honeywell, those kinds of industries to reduce costs through <br />ineffective processes. Today, it has been noted that this can work in government also. <br />The Mayor of Ft. Wayne, Indiana, three years ago installed and instituted the program <br />Lean Six Sigma in the City of Ft. Wayne, cutting millions of dollars out of the process <br />and not reducing the work force. He stated that it is instituted by cutting the overload, <br />waste, and then reduce the force through attrition. It can work in South Bend too. He <br />stated that tomorrow, March 24, 2009, early in the morning, he and Councilmember <br />Henry Davis, will drive down to Ft. Wayne and participate in a workshop in Ft. Wayne, <br />Indiana. He stated that they believe that it will improve the customer service and increase <br />the effectiveness to the City of South Bend. He stated that the CED Committee has made <br />a motion in committee that they will address the issue with the Redevelopment <br />Commission and how they will actually disseminating and dispersing TIF Dollars, not so <br />much as to say they know it all, but look forward to studying a program that was <br />initiating by the highly esteemed Dr. William P. Hojnacki, in 2006 called Paying for <br />Public Services in St. Joseph County: Benefit vs. Burden. The Committee has made a <br />recommendation to the full Council that they would continue Bill No. 09-19 indefinitely, <br />to look at additional and innovative ways that the City Council can address some of the <br />things that they have been confronted with, not to the point fingers and say that the same <br />system won’t work, but he believes that post 2009 or 2010 will require the Council to <br />look at things in a new paradigm and a new mind set. <br /> <br />COUNCILMEMBER KAREN L. WHITE – AT LARGE <br /> <br />Councilmember White advised that she is an At-Large Councilmember for the City of <br />South Bend. She thanked all volunteers who spend countless hours sharing their <br />concerns and ideas to make the City of South Bend such a wonderful place to live, work <br />and play. She also thanked the employees of the City of South Bend for their hard work <br />behind the scenes who take such great pride in making those levels of services that they <br />provide of such high quality for the citizens of the City of South Bend. She stated that it <br />is truly a pleasure to work with each and every Councilmember. She stated that being an <br />At-Large Councilmember, she has had the opportunity to work with each District <br />Councilmember concerning their various district issues. As an At-Large Councilmember <br />she believes that the three (3) At-Large have and must continue to facilitate a <br />comprehensive holistic approach towards the issues, because what happens in each of the <br />districts impacts the entire city. She stated that she believes that the citizens of South <br />Bend do not expect their nine (9) elected members of the Council to always agree on <br />everything, she noted that they don’t and won’t. She stated that the citizens do expect the <br />Council to conduct public trust in an open and professional way. She stated that the <br />Mission Statement of the Council is “To make certain that the government is always <br />responsive to the needs of the citizens." In this spirit the Council has set a new and <br />positive direction in 2009 based upon communication and transparency. Since elected in <br />2000, she has had the honor of serving the Citizens of the City of South Bend, now in the <br />second year of fourth year term; her leadership roles have included that of serving as <br />President, Vice-President and Chair of the Committee of the Whole. She stated that she <br />th <br />lives in the 5 District of the City of South Bend and continues to be pleased with the <br />overall development of the south side of town. She is truly a westsider, she lived on the <br />west side for many years, she stated that her son attended Kennedy Elementary School, <br />LaSalle High School, so in her heart she truly is a westsider, but now lives on the south <br />side of South Bend. She stated that she proudly serves on the following committees and <br />appointed boards: Vice-Chair Personnel & Finance Committee; Vice-Chair of the <br />Community Relations Committee; member of the Residential Neighborhood Committee; <br />member of the Community & Economic Development Committee; Vice-Chair of the <br />Urban Enterprise Zone Board; and Chairperson of the Health & Public Safety <br />Committee. She stated that she is also involved as the sponsor of the South Bend <br /> 12 <br /> <br />