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REGULAR MEETING MARCH 23, 2009 <br /> <br /> <br /> <br />Common Council Youth Advisory Council, and a member of the Personnel & Finance <br />Committee. She stated that the Council believes that the youth of the city are a part of <br />today, not tomorrow. She stated that for approximately six (6) years she has had the <br />pleasure of working with twelve (12) outstanding students. The Youth Council meets on <br />strd <br />the 1 and 3 Wednesday of each month. The initiatives and goals of the Youth Council <br />are leadership opportunities, civic engagements, and educational opportunities. She <br />noted that eight (8) members will be graduating this year and all have been accepted to <br />post secondary institutions. She stated that the Youth Council will be seeking <br />applications for youth to become involved and become a part of this wonderful advisory <br />council. She stated that she currently chairs the Health & Public Safety Committee and <br />the duties of that committee are to oversee the various activities of the Fire & Police <br />Departments, EMS, Department of Code Enforcement, and related Health and Public <br />Safety Issues. She noted that an organizational meeting was held in February 2008, to <br />outline the committee’s agenda as well as to ascertain priorities for the year. The <br />following are concerns and activities that the committee determined that they will <br />address: 1. Review the Quality of Life Ordinance; 2. That they will hold a series of <br />district meetings, the purpose of these meetings would be to provide an opportunity to <br />hear from the citizens regarding public health; safety issues and concerns. These <br />meetings were held in 2008, five meetings were held regarding quality of life. In January <br />2009, the Health and Public Safety Committee held its 2009 organizational meeting; they <br />reaffirmed the need to complete the district public safety committee meetings in related <br />nd <br />districts. The first meeting will be held in the 2 District in April. At that time it will <br />provide an opportunity to listen first hand to public safety concerns of the residents. She <br />stated that they have held special meeting with the local and regional staff of Beacon <br />Heights to seek ways in which the City can work with them and to really come together <br />and bring about ways a sense of community. Future meetings will be forth coming with <br />the staff and hopefully with the residents Beacon Heights. She stated that the Mayor in <br />his State of the City Address noted that the City of South Bend remains strong although <br />times are tough. The recession, economic conditions, unemployment, housing crisis, and <br />the State of Indiana Property Tax Caps increase the need for city services and are having <br />a major impact on government and their limited resources. The City faces the ever <br />increasing demand and expectations from a diverse population for services and resources <br />in a time of limited financial resources residents increasingly expect their government to <br />provide to them high quality service at a cost effective manner. The need to devote <br />resources to districts still remains one of the highest concerns. She stated that all districts <br />are not the same, all districts must not be funded the same. She invited anyone to drive <br />within the City of South Bend and notice that all districts are not the same. She stated <br />that as elected officials need to look at those resources to make sure that all of the <br />districts have the resources available to them, so that the City as a whole can be classified <br />st <br />a 21 Century City. City budgets are similar to those in businesses and households, the <br />need to balance income to expenses. The need to live within our means is an ever <br />increasing call while still maintaining the level of service that has been provided. She <br />stated that the Council, the City Administration and with the help of citizen input make <br />difficult decisions about the allocations of the limited resources. She stated for example, <br />the need to establish funding priorities is a must. What City services should be continued <br />to be provided and how will they be paid for? She stated that the Council has begun <br />Summits this year and budget meetings to look at all funding options based upon the <br />City’s revenues. TIF, Redevelopment and other means will be looked into so that the <br />City taxpayers can receive the best possible city services which are necessary and <br />affordable. All funding should and must be placed on the table, for example: What <br />should the funding level be for the City Parks and Neighborhoods? If Public Safety is the <br />top priority then what should its funding levels be? She stated in order for the City to <br />remain strong and to grow there must be economic opportunities for everyone. The heart <br />and sole of any city are its citizens, their safety, well being, and economic opportunities <br />are the responsibility and priority of the elected officials they chose to serve them. The <br />budget decisions that the Council will be making this year and in 2010 will be critical just <br />as Mayor Luecke stated and she quoted “To continue the work of an emerging South <br />Bend.” She challenged everyone to seize the opportunity to come together to build new <br />partnerships, to protect the citizens, to respond to the call for neighbors helping neighbors <br />and to support each other. She stated that she believes that the City will emerge with a <br /> 13 <br /> <br />