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REGULAR MEETING MARCH 23, 2009 <br /> <br /> <br /> <br />Commission. He noted that Councilmember Varner is the Council’s representative to the <br />Redevelopment Commission as well as the Century Center Board of Managers. <br />Councilmember Rouse stated that he is an At-Large member of the Council, serving the <br />entire City of South Bend. He stated that he is the Chairperson of the Community and <br />Economic Development Committee, Residential Neighborhoods Committee and Vice- <br />Chairperson the PARCS Committee, a member of the Health and Public Safety <br />Committee as well as a member of the Public Works and Property Vacation Committee. <br />The Community and Economic Development Committee oversees the various activities <br />of the Community and Economic Development Department (CED), oversees the <br />programs directed by CED, oversees the Economic Development Department, as well as <br />oversees the program and financial management, reviews all real and personal property <br />tax abatement. He noted that so far this year there have been two (2) tax abatement <br />resolutions; Bill No. 09-19, a resolution asking the Redevelopment Commission not to <br />act upon something in support of in regard to the New Tech High School. The concern is <br />that the city was moving too rapidly without having all of the facts. He stated that there <br />was a great deal of uncertainty regarding that particular new high school. The South <br />Bend Common Council supports the New Tech High School Concept; the concern is <br />giving it due diligence and making sure that the 1.3 million dollars out of the TIF District <br />monies would be given after due diligence and consideration. The Council felt that the <br />Redevelopment Commission has not responded appropriately to this elected body that <br />has the responsibility to answer to the public. In 2009, the CED Committee has begun to <br />review the Tax Abatement Ordinance. The review had begun in 2006, under the Chair of <br />the CED Committee at that time was Roland Kelly, and stalled at that time. In 2007, the <br />Chairperson of the CED Committee was Derek Dieter, and at that time the St. Joseph <br />County Council was in discussion of reviewing and revising their tax abatement <br />ordinance. Councilmember Rouse stated that at the last meeting of the St. Joseph County <br />Council, they approved their revised tax abatement ordinance. So with that information, <br />the South Bend Common Council CED Committee will review the City’s tax abatement <br />ordinance. He stated that currently the 2009/2010 budget has taken precedent and <br />discussion on the reviewing and revising the tax abatement ordinance will take place after <br />budget proceedings are concluded. He stated that as Chair of the Residential <br />Neighborhoods Committee, he had the responsibilities of overseeing the various <br />neighborhood partnership centers; however, those centers have been closed due to budget <br />constraints, but still have the oversight responsibilities related to neighborhood <br />development and enhancement. In 2009, the goals of the Residential Neighborhood <br />Committee are to continue the certification process of neighborhood association. He <br />stated that they would like to see every neighborhood in the City of South Bend to have <br />an association responsible for issues that arise in the various neighborhoods. The <br />certification will be in collaboration with some of the very active neighborhood <br />associations that exists. The Northwest Neighborhood Association is renowned for its <br />work and outstanding service to that community. They will use that association as a <br />model to help certify other neighborhood associations. He stated that there are <br />approximately 35 neighborhood associations in the City of South Bend. Some are not <br />active, and are seeking to reactivate their associations. The City of South Bend City Plan <br />relies heavily upon neighborhood associations. For many years when a neighborhood <br />association would appear before the Zoning and Annexation Committee and vote in favor <br />or against issues, this Council has been very passionate and swayed heavily on the desires <br />of the neighborhood association. He stated that it is necessary for the entire population of <br />the City of South Bend 107,000 people to have the opportunity to be represented by a <br />neighborhood association, because it carries a great deal of weight in the City. He <br />encouraged all those that don’t have a neighborhood association to consider starting one. <br />He advised that other projects that are ongoing are the Major Moves Report. This is a <br />comprehensive report and a plan inclusive of the St. Joseph County Wheel Tax <br />Commission which gave its final report in 2004, Toll Road HB 1008, which came out in <br />March 2006, and major moves from September 2007. This report is inclusive of arterial <br />streets, collector and local streets. Councilmember Rouse stated that State <br />Representatives John Broden and David Niezgodski appeared on Jim Wensit’s television <br />show and told the audience that the City of South Bend as well as St. Joseph County have <br />terrible road conditions. Councilmember Rouse stated that this cannot continue and must <br />be addressed. He stated that his grandson visits quite frequently from Lexington, <br />Kentucky, and asks him “Pa Pa” why are there so many holes in the streets in South <br /> 11 <br /> <br />