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Councilmember Oliver Davis stated he is glad they are moving forward with this to get the park <br />up to standard. Being on the Council the past few years, he had never heard the spending slowed <br />down the past two years. The Council was never informed that the spending was slowing down <br />for this purpose. What can you do going forward so that the Council knows how to deal with <br />these issues going forward because we never had that discussion to tail back this spending. Mr. <br />Davis asked what will change in the future so this does not happen. <br />Mr. Perri responded the way it was publically discussed last year was through the Board of <br />Public Works and their appraisals going out, but clearly it was not discussed with this body. <br />Going forward any type of change that the department brings to other bodies will also be brought <br />to the Council. To the first question, any major variance to the budget should be discussed here <br />because that is what you approved. <br />Mr. Davis stated he appreciated that because now he questions whether all the funds for the other <br />parks are being spent the way they were allocated. <br />Mr. Perri stated he agreed wholeheartedly about that. On the Parks Dept. website there is now <br />every approved budgeted item and a status update of where the project is currently and when it is <br />estimated to be completed. Mr. Perri stated he can't talk about what was done before he came to <br />the department but can assure the Council he will make it better and this is one of those steps. <br />Councilmember Dr. Varner asked what is the current balance in this non - reverting fund. <br />John Murphy, City Controller with offices on the 12th Floor, responded there is around <br />$400,000.00 total in the account. <br />Councilmember Dr. Varner asked how much does it bring in a year? <br />Mr. Murphy responded approximately $160,000.00 a year which is all three (3) golf courses <br />combined. <br />Councilmember Dr. Varner asked perhaps going forward to segregate that in at least accounting <br />purposes to see which course is providing what money. <br />Mr. Perri stated over the past ten year average Elbel non - reverting revenue is approximately <br />$38,000.00. <br />Councilmember Karen White asked what is the time frame to make the course ready for the <br />season. <br />Mr. Perri responded they are starting those improvements now and operating under the <br />assumption we are opening the golf course. In mid - December, after the Park Board meeting, the <br />department began operating as if they were not going to have golf this year so we are playing a <br />bit of catch up. Everything is back online, reservations can be made for this year, and there are <br />workers out today starting to work on the course. The timeline really depends on when the snow <br />melts and when the weather breaks but most of this work can be started tomorrow. From his <br />2 <br />