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estimation it will take about four (4) weeks of solid work to get it up to standard. Operations <br />have already been budgeted and there is no plan to come back for more appropriations. <br />Councilmember John Voorde asked if we do all the repairs in house on the greens. <br />Mr. Perri responded the day to day operational maintenance the department does in house. To <br />build everything back up to par that will be contracted out which will have to go through the city <br />purchasing process. <br />Mr. Murphy stated there will be quotes and we will try to at least get two (2). <br />Councilmember Jo M. Broden asked about what plans for marketing are happening to get back <br />those golfers who may have been turned away at the limited capital resources spent on the <br />course. <br />Mr. Perri responded the department just held golf night at Erskine that they do every year around <br />this time, unfortunately the electricity was out, but he spent a few hours talking with the golf <br />community and they were all excited that the department is actively pursuing leagues and outing <br />at the course. This appropriation is certainly a marketing tool to those individuals that the city is <br />investing in the course. <br />Councilmember Oliver Davis stated the message needs to be that there is going to be golf at <br />Elbel this year. <br />Mr. Perri responded correct, there will be golf at a good quality. <br />Councilmember Regina Williams- Preston stated perhaps all of this discussion and debate over <br />the course will be good for Elbel this year and it will get people out in support. <br />Mart Biseki, no address given, spoke in support of the additional appropriations for Elbel. There <br />needs to be concentration on running the course by the city for the year and let the committee <br />determine the years going forward. <br />No one from the public spoke in opposition to the bill. <br />Councilmember Oliver Davis made a motion to send the bill favorably to the full Council. <br />Councilmember Dr. Varner seconded the motion which carried by a voice vote of four (4) ayes. <br />Bill 16 -10 — Resolution supporting additional research on potential Food & Beverage Tax <br />Councilmember John Voorde made a motion to accept the substitute bill on file. Councilmember <br />Dr. Varner seconded the motion which carried by a voice vote of four (4) ayes. <br />Councilmember Randy Kelly served as the presenter for this bill. This resolution is calling for <br />research into a food and beverage tax of one percent (1 %). There are over twenty (20) counties in <br />Indiana who already have some type of food and beverage tax. This substitute bill no longer <br />3 <br />