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PARC COMMITTEE FEBRUARY 22, 2016 4:40 P.M. <br />Committee Members Present: Randy Kelly, Dr. Varner, Oliver Davis, John Voorde <br />Other Council Present: Tim Scott, Karen White, Gavin Ferlic, <br />Regina Williams- Preston, Jo M. Broden <br />Others Present: Kathleen Cekanski - Farrand, Adriana Rodriguez <br />Alkeyna Aldridge, Joseph Molnar, John Murphy <br />Agenda: Bill 10 -16 — Appropriating additional funds for Elbel Park <br />And Golf Course <br />Bill 16 -10 — Resolution supporting additional research on <br />Potential Food & Beverage Tax <br />Randy Kelly, Chairperson of the PARC Committee, called the meeting to order with two bills for <br />consideration. <br />Bill 10 -16 — Appropriating additional funds for Elbel Park and Golf Course <br />Aaron Perri, Director of Parks Dept. 321 Walter St., served as the presenter for this bill. There <br />are funds available that the Parks Dept. would like to invest at Elbel. Over the past two (2) years <br />there has been conservative capital spending at Elbel. The future of Elbel was uncertain, bids <br />were out for surveying, and the appraisals for the golf course were out as well. The team at the <br />time made the decision to take a conservative approach to the course because they didn't know <br />what was going to happen. Nonetheless that money is still available and in a golf non - reverting <br />fund, it was not money that was appropriated elsewhere. This bill allows for that money in the <br />fund to be used at Elbel. During the past two (2) years the department has invested $31,000.00 in <br />the course for capital investments. There has been approximately $30,000.00 approved in last <br />year's budget for Elbel which is already being spent. This is an additional $68,000.00 to make up <br />for what has been put off in the previous years. <br />Councilmember Gavin Ferlic asked if the Parks Dept. anticipates spending all of this allotted <br />amount regardless of who ends up running the course. <br />Mr. Perri responded they will put what is needed right now into the course to bring it up to <br />standards regardless of who runs the course. <br />Councilmember Randy Kelly asked how much that would be in the short term. <br />Mr. Perri responded the immediate things that need to be taken care of are the repair of the <br />greens and the tee -boxes and that is about half of the funds to be appropriated with this bill. <br />