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REGULAR MEETING JUNE 22, 2015 <br />Attorney Kathy Cekanski- Farrand stated she was uncertain. Councilmember Karen White <br />responded I think it is over $200,000. Councilmember Schey continued my fiustration as a <br />taxpayer is that we have irresponsible people that are going out and dumping in the alleys and we <br />the taxpayers don't collect on that effort. We are the ones picking up the burden on cleaning up <br />this illegal dumping. The ordinance before us is a similar sort, the quality of life issue where you <br />have the irresponsible property owners, absentee landlords, for example who aren't maintaining <br />their property. By us continuing business as usual, where we send out code crews or park crews <br />to cut the lawn, we are once again putting the burden on tax payers. What this ordinance is <br />proposing is increasing the fines on those irresponsible property owners to... (Interjected by <br />Councilmember Henry Davis) Councilmember Schey stated he just said on the taxpayers which I <br />disagree. We are currently putting the burden on the taxpayers every time Randy's crew or the <br />Parks departments has to go out and cut those lawns at no cost to the property owners. What the <br />ordinance proposes is shifting that burden, as I believe is the right thing to do, on the <br />irresponsible property owner. As I understand from Jesse's comments I understand the point of <br />tracking down ownership is not as easy as one might think. At the same time I hate to think that <br />we the taxpayers are paying for all of these various programs, the illegal dumping effort. I like <br />the idea of increasing the fees and fines where the irresponsible property owners are fined. I <br />understand it is a slow process to increase collections. But I would like to shift the burden for <br />maintenance of these properties that are not city properties but are privately owned properties. <br />So I will support this bill. <br />Councilmember Henry Davis Jr. — I have a question from earlier before I give my final <br />comments. So I can make an informed vote. When you begin to attach fines or fees to a certain <br />property owner when they don't pay for it that goes to a collection agency then they can apply a <br />lien, take them to a court hearing, and/or do check garnishments? Council Attorney Kathy <br />Cekanski- Farrand responded all of the above. Councilmember Davis asked then can that lien <br />then turn into a foreclosure that ultimately ends up back in the county to the city and we start the <br />cycle all over again? Council Attorney Kathy Cekanski- Farrand responded upon sale it would. <br />Councilmember Davis replied, but that can actually happen right? Councilmember Dr. Ferlic <br />stated it happens, I bought one recently at a commission sale. Councilmember Davis replied the <br />framework is what I laid, if they go to a lien, it can ultimately end up back in to the hands of the <br />county? Let's say I refuse to pay, for years, and they put a lien on my house, what happens then? <br />Council Attorney Kathy Cekanski- Farrand responded in order to sale the home the lien would <br />need to be paid for by the new purchaser to have the deed on the house. The foreclosure only <br />relates to a mortgage. Councilmember Henry Davis replied what do we do if we continue to fine <br />the owner and if the owner doesn't pay? So no one knows the answer, this is why the Mayor <br />needs to be here. We are not just talking about grass cutting but neighborhoods and what people <br />see and feel in a city. I've never seen this city look this bad since the amount of time that I've <br />been on the Council. I'm telling you the truth I'm sick of calling code enforcement, sick of <br />sending emails, and stopping code workers to cut the grass. This is ridiculous. My problem with <br />this, is we come in with a new charter and raise the fees and think maybe people will cut the <br />grass. However, it does not change the fact that it is not being done through enforcement. You <br />talk to Code Enforcement, "we cited." You talk to the Parks department, "they never got it," <br />what's happening here? The Mayor needs to answer that and his department heads. I am tired of <br />always having the conversation with you, fighting with you guys on things we have no control <br />over. The enforcer needs to be here, the administration has to be here. We can't continue to do <br />this; this is crazy. We passed this three years ago, this came from me to make sure there was a <br />plan for vacant and demolished buildings. Before the home was demolished, we needed to <br />answer why the home is being demolished? We have not gotten anything back from the <br />administration. That was three years ago and here we are dealing with that same issue. We keep <br />asking for it to get done, nothing is getting done. Then we become the whipping boys, tomorrow <br />there will be something about us arguing and fighting in the news, yet enforcement is not <br />happening. The Mayor is not doing his job. We talk about how Randy is going to do a good job, <br />I don't know that, I hope that he does. We have had three Code Enforcement Directors in three <br />years. Meanwhile people on Chicago St. can't even see their front doors, meanwhile the <br />neighborhood wood chuck has grown bigger than my son, meanwhile the neighborhood possums <br />are hanging out. I am serious about this. I am going to ask that this Council tables this to the <br />next council meeting until we get some clear answers from the Mayor and the department heads. <br />We had Phil St. Clair come in with Jesse Davis where we talked about grass cutting. That young <br />man had his son cutting the cemetery but we never got any answers back. Yet we keep pushing <br />17 <br />