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REGULAR MEETING JUNE 22, 2015 <br />Councilmember Dr. David Varner — I have the privilege of hearing this discussion every year. <br />We have had the problem with un -mowed lawns as long as I can remember. In the past we <br />raised fees, in the past we were told there would be greater enforcement, and in the past we have <br />been told that the Parks can do an adequate job if we brought everything under their umbrella. I <br />think for the most part, they have done as well as they could with what they have. I'm not sure <br />all of it has gone as well as we wanted. I think some of it has gone to do parks rather than what <br />we thought would be abandoned homes. None the less, the job of this council. I have no desire <br />to be an administrator. Our job is to give them the tools that they need in order to pursue the <br />resolution to this problem. The only resolutions we have had were a fine mechanism, follow -up <br />mechanism, or ordinance violation mechanism. If this is adopted tonight, even with refinements <br />in the fixture, if the lawns are not mowed and the bills aren't collected, it could amount to <br />substantial fines. If it is not aggressively and equitably enforced it is not the Council's fault, it is <br />the people that handle the administration, who tell code enforcement we need to get you more <br />money to do some more lawns. It is the people who say code enforcement is going to give the <br />bills and levy the fines we're going to collect them and code enforcement can continue to write <br />their citations knowing there is some authority behind it who will follow up. That is the job of <br />the administration which is why they are called administrators. We provide them the tools and <br />the opportunities, I think this is one opportunity; I don't know what it takes to get people to mow <br />their lawns. I know what we have done in the past hasn't worked, I know that some people will <br />respond, some people won't, and some people will never respond. I applaud Mr. Scott's efforts <br />to apply some serious fines to those who have been in continuous non - compliance. Why should <br />people mow their lawns when they can ignore it, which they do? Like other people I have <br />mowed other's lawns when they move, I will probably continue to do it as its necessary but it <br />sure would be nice if this was taken and applied equitably and thoroughly across the board, get <br />their attention and got some of these lawns mowed. But all we can do is supply the tools, this is <br />a tool, where it goes from here is up to the administration. <br />Councilmember Dr. Fred Ferlic — I personally want to thank Randy in the new Code Department. <br />He has incorporated some SOPS that have never been done before in this city. When I first got <br />involved in code three years ago, when you looked up a certain property, there was 150 pages of <br />it which was impossible to decipher. Now with the new operating procedures, the Code Officer <br />will ride around in a certain area then pull up the house on GPS that registers the address, takes a <br />picture with his I -pad that goes electronically to the Code's department. Then the codes <br />department can send it to legal, then legal decides when to send for citation or the collection <br />agency. We have a whole new plan that I think will make South Bend a nicer place to live. That <br />is the important thing, I think this can be enforced. Has it been in the past? No, my other <br />Councilmembers are exactly correct. You never stop speeding in Roseland until they start <br />enforcing it, now you don't speed in Roseland as you know you will get picked up. The problem <br />I have in my district is with the LLC's, the banks, the absentee landlords, not the usual one or <br />two citizens. Basically I have to call banks, real estate agencies to mow their yards or we will <br />have to file alien against them. I think the last thing is, I hold Code responsible to do this job as <br />they get paid to do the job. Ultimately code is under the Mayor's jurisdiction, if the Mayor <br />doesn't get it done he is accountable for it. I think our present Mayor Pete, Randy, and others in <br />the administration will get the job done. If they don't buyer beware as I won't vote for them if <br />that's the case. We just celebrated our 150' Anniversary, we have a great chance to make South <br />Bend a great city again. Let's take the bull by the horns and let's get something done here. <br />Councilmember Valerie Schey — So I am speaking both as a taxpayer and second as a <br />Councilperson. I am supportive of this bill, but I have listened carefully to both sides of the <br />debate. I feel it is my responsibility to explain why I am going to support this bill. The <br />complaints that I've heard are primarily from the 6" and 2 °d district residents. I do want to say <br />per Randy's comment about the red flags that your team will be leaving behind once you cite a <br />property, is a wonderful ideal. It is a visible indication that your team has been there and can <br />potentially delay some frustrations that residence have that these properties are not being cited. I <br />want to encourage you and your team to pursue that because that can help with the concerns that <br />I've heard here. As a taxpayer, I know that we as a city have budgeted for, and using taxpayers' <br />dollars to clean up illegal dumping, the code enforcement crew does that. We are not charging <br />the negligent property owners or individuals out in the alley doing all of that illegal dumping. <br />We are charging you, the taxpayer to carry on that burden. Kathy Cekanski- Farrand maybe you <br />can help me, what is the total amount we budget each year to clean up illegal dumping? Council <br />16 <br />