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REGULAR MEETING JUNE 22, 2015 <br />the Council is not executive but to make sure the money is in the bank. So we came last year and <br />made sure the money was there for the Parks Department which was needed to cut all those <br />yards, so they can hire summer youth programs, individual people if they will, we took care of <br />that. We had a balanced budget. Then in January they came back as they wanted money to raise <br />more fees. I said then if we pass this you will come back in the summer time and ask for more <br />money; well, here we are now. So I ask myself what happened to the money why do you keep <br />coming back. The 1962 rule, with all due respect to the person who wrote it, the issue is not the <br />rule but the issue is it's not enforced. You can have the best rule whether created in 1955, 45, or <br />62 but if you are not having enforcement with it what can you do? You can pass all the rules in <br />the world, I can make all these rules to my daughter you're going be home at 10 o'clock, you're <br />going to do this, you're going to do that and if not I'm going to take it away. If I never take <br />anything away then I'm not doing anything but blowing hot air. My job is to make sure the <br />money is there. That's the Mayor's job to make sure the yards and everything is cut; then to not <br />have Parks here. Our President tonight opened up by thanking Crystal Briscoe, John Martinez, <br />and Brian Pawlowski from the Mayor's office. I wish I could thank them too. They talk to him, <br />they talk to the sponsors. But when it comes to this meeting they didn't show up, when we had <br />our afternoon meeting they didn't show up, when we had a meeting last Tuesday they didn't <br />show up. If we have a legal budget why would we pass anything it the legal team didn't show <br />up. If we have a code meeting and the code people don't show up why would we pass the <br />budget? If we have Parks and they don't show up why are we going to pass something? If my <br />daughter needed money and she didn't show up to get the money, why would I give her the <br />money? It doesn't make any sense. If she really wanted to go on the trip, she needed make sure <br />she would come get the money. These folks aren't even showing up. I asked this Council and <br />I'm going to ask again tonight, can we just delay this to July 13' so we can have a meeting and <br />talk and get some of things out the way and clear it up. Then we may pass the bill. This should <br />have been brought up during budget time anyway. Tonight if we were to pass all these fees, if <br />we didn't have to delay everything, the amount of fees on solid waste and all this in one night, <br />that's ridiculous. All of that should have been brought up during budget time as well. At least <br />they are giving us ahead of time for the budget. For us to pass all this now, that is not the <br />Council's responsibility. We have done our job, for over the last few years, I've questioned. For <br />Mr. Banicki and all those who came in from the 6" District, the grass is a mess in 6" district. <br />They have cited them all, they're over at the Parks department. If he needed more people he <br />should have told us. We asked him if he had enough people last year. Now he doesn't even come <br />back to say that they need something in that department. Why should I give the department or <br />the Mayor any more money when they don't take the time to come here? That's not fair. I'm <br />asking in all fairness to the administration to show up on July 13th, there is no rush between two <br />(2) weeks, the grass can grow one (1) more inch. This is really ridiculous, this has been my <br />number one complaint. It looks targeted that 6" District grass did not get cut last year; it looks <br />targeted because 2 °d District didn't get cut. That is my number one complaint when I go to <br />Kroger's. It is interesting, Randy has done his job, much respect to you. Now they come back <br />and here we go again, so no money from me. <br />Councilmember Karen White — I would like to share that the intent of this ordinance is to address <br />a major problem which is the cutting of lawns. In terms of code, this is the second leading <br />category of complaints. I think every Councilmember here can attest that the citizens, who <br />we've been elected to serve, have approached each and every one of us in regards to not only this <br />issue but a number of issues. I would not sit in this seat and not indicate that enforcement is an <br />issue. We as a Council need to find means to address this issue as well. It is a work in progress <br />as with any ordinance. We can continue to work through it, to modify it, and to address it as <br />well. I am asking for your support. I am asking for the Council to work together as we address <br />not only this issue but other issues as well. I go back to my earlier statement, it was the Council <br />that was able to push forward the whole issue of illegal dumping that came from Councilmember <br />Henry Davis within the 2 °d district. There was a disproportionate number of illegal dumping in <br />that area. It was this Council that pushed forward the graffiti, it was this council that worked <br />with chronic nuances; all of that came through this council. I want you to look at the substitute <br />bill that is before you. I ask for your support as we do move forward knowing that there is a <br />number of areas we need to address. One of which is Parks and working with the administration. <br />I agree with Councilmember Davis that they should have been here. <br />15 <br />