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REGULAR MEETING <br />JUNE 22, 2015 <br />Councilmember Henry Davis interjected I did not ask that question. Council Attorney Kathy <br />Cekanski- Farrand continued the other issue is that the regulations have to be consistent with the <br />governing law cases in this area that I mentioned to the committee. We followed the <br />Bloomington case law which was handed down in December of last year. Councilmember <br />Henry Davis interjected I read it, and I did not ask that question and want to clarify. <br />Councilmember Derek Dieter stated everyone will be able to make comments. <br />Councilmember Oliver Davis asked if a Councilmember doesn't use their five (5) minutes can <br />we get their five (5) minutes. Councilmember Derek Dieter replied if we take a vote on that and <br />you get majority of the vote. Would you like to take a vote on that now? Councilmember Oliver <br />Davis responded not now, if and when that occurs. I would like to state that someone else should <br />time Mr. Gavin Ferlic as he will be keeping the time. Councilmember Gavin Ferlic interjected, I <br />will keep my comments to 30 seconds. <br />Council President Tim Scott — I would like to thank my co- sponsors Dr. Ferlic and Karen White <br />for co- sponsoring this. Also Randy Wilkerson, Crystal Briscoe, and Tasha Outlaw from legal, <br />and Brian Pawlowski from the administration, John Martinez from Parks and Kathy Cekanski- <br />Farrand for her work. We looked at several different ordinances, and the one thing I see in the <br />1st District is we are doing the same thing over and over again and not getting any results. So <br />tonight the language that we put up is step 1, hold people responsible for their properties that's <br />what this does, as it allows rain gardens, artistic use of grasses and natural landscaping and <br />makes the law consistent. I do appreciate your vote on this, I do appreciate your comments on <br />this. I know we have a larger conversation to do with capacity and the administration. I think <br />that will vet itself out. Within the Resolution we brought up getting youth and mentor programs <br />with youth to pick up that program to be able to add to capacity. Where right now there is a <br />monopoly with the Park's Department cutting everything for the city. What I would like to do in <br />the Resolution is to open that up to be bid on where people are actually employing youth during <br />the summer time. We will have that discussion in July. This has been endorsed by legal and <br />code. I appreciate your vote on this <br />Councilmember Gavin Ferlic — I will just say I think people respond to incentives. I think this <br />will help with overall enforcement, I think the more compliance you have based on private <br />property owners mowing their lawns the fewer lawns the city will be responsible for mowing. It <br />is not the city's responsibility to mow private property, it is the private property owner. If we can <br />put a greater burden on the private property owners specifically the delinquent property owner <br />we will get greater overall compliance and be able to address other properties as a result. <br />Councilmember Derek Dieter — There are several issues that everyone discussed, where is the <br />line of the council's job, where's the line of the city's job and the role of the city council; is it <br />supposed to be like a watch dog, where you have Dr. Ferlic who goes out to look at yards. The <br />intent is to keep your lawns cut. In the end this is a first step and probably not the last step. <br />Councilmember Scott needs a lot of work to see who will be the final person in charge if we get <br />to that point for other people to cut. I hope with this being my six (6) months on this council, <br />that this will be a wakeup call for the Council during their next budget cycle, because of the 11 <br />years that I've been here when we ask city department if they need more staff, need more <br />equipment, need more capital to tell us and nobody ever has. This will be the prime example and <br />hopefully when the budget process comes around, we look at the budget and all those figures and <br />when they aren't there we say no. We are done, we are done babysitting for you, and we are <br />done doing all these quality life ordinances. You can go down the list that it has been the <br />Council who has stepped up and done the job for the city workers and administration that they <br />haven't done theirs. Those are the issues that I am looking at. These are valid points. Something <br />needs to be done, this isn't going to be perfect and can continued to be fine- tuned. Like Oliver <br />Davis said, there are a lot of people, granted they may have been to other meetings, but when the <br />rubber hits the road I don't see the Mayor, the assistant Mayor, assistant Mayor 2, Parks those <br />people need to be here. Like Randy said there is a problem with the software, but that should be <br />fixed within a week. <br />Councilmember Oliver Davis — My daughter went to a trip last week to Cincinnati. I asked how <br />much is the trip? She said $40 dollars. I gave her $40 and a little change. If she came back and <br />said she needed $20 more, I would ask her what she did with the money I gave her. The role of <br />14 <br />