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REGULAR MEETING SEPTEMBER 22, 2008 <br /> <br /> <br />Levy is: General Fund $70,846; Park Fund $11,955; Police Pension $57,307; Fire <br />Pension; Cumulative Capital Development 1.576 for a total of $206,607. Ms. Fanello <br />advised that total tax collections are a % of the current tax levy in 2004 the percentage <br />collected was 98.45% with an outstanding delinquent tax of $6,189,942; in 2005 the <br />percentage collected was 96.08% with an outstanding delinquent tax of $8,093,237; <br />2006, 101.03% collected with $5,495,442 outstanding delinquent tax; 2007 95.12% <br />collected with $7,411,505 outstanding delinquent tax. She noted examples of revenue <br />are: Enterprise Fund dollars consist of Utilities, Building Department Fees, Century <br />Center Revenue, Parking Garage Revenue and make up 26%; Special Revenue Funds <br />consist of Park Department, Motor Vehicle Highway and Local Road & Street Dollars <br />and make up 12%; Trust/Agency dollars are pension funds for Police and Fire and make <br />up 5%; Capital and Debt Funds consist mainly of County Option Income Tax and <br />Economic Development and make up 9%; Internal Service Funds make up 11%; and <br />General Fund makes up the balance at 37%. Ms. Fanello stated that total revenue sources <br />from budgeted funds are project to increase $3.2 million (1.72%) over 2008 budgeted <br />revenue, sewer rates $1.6 million, property, income, other taxes 1.4 million. She noted <br />that the City receives no sales tax from the state or local. She also noted that the tax rates <br />in St. Joseph County are .8% and in Elkhart there are 1.5%. The remaining increase is <br />due to user fees, administrative fees, and self insurance increases to city fund. She noted <br />that the money comes from property taxes that make up approximately $66,699,926 or <br />37%; other taxes $4,634,396.00 or 2%; Income Taxes $10,264,378.00 or 5%; <br />Hotel/Motel Tax $1,878,309.00 or 1%; Intergovernmental Grants $19,418,648.00 or <br />10%; Charges for Services $58,849,773.00 or 32%; Fines $607,001.00 0%; Other <br />Financing Sources $18,184,897.00 or 10%; Miscellaneous $4,564,442.00 or 2% and <br />Licenses & Permits, $1,701,175.00 or 1%. Ms. Fanello stated that the General Fund <br />Budget is a .39% increase of $263,732. The total citywide budgeted operating funds <br />increased only by 1.49% overall compared to the 2008 budget. This excludes capital <br />funds. Capital fund costs are unique from year to year and do not figure into the <br />operating budget increase/decrease. No significant capital included. Ms. Fanello noted <br />that the money goes to General Government, $9,965,001 or 6%; Utilities $29,034,657 or <br />16%; Public Works $19,383,339 or 11%; Community & Economic Development <br />$3,990,950 or 2%; Liability & Health Self-Insurance $16,472,048 or 9%; Debt Service, <br />$17,880,329 or 10%; Public Safety $64,611,643 or 36%; and Culture & Recreation <br />$18,739,306 or 10%. She noted that General Government includes the Building <br />Department and Century Center. Ms. Fanello stated that salaries and benefits make of <br />53% of Citywide expenditures; services make up 31%; supplies 5%; other 11%. She <br />noted that services and other include debt and capital lease payments. She stated that <br />salaries & benefits for non-bargaining personnel include a 2% increase; bargaining <br />personnel Police 2.2%; Fire 1.65% plus a longevity program; and Teamsters 2%. Ms. <br />Fanello noted that citywide costs for salaries & benefits for 2009 are $95,482,441 as <br />compared to in 2008 at $95,830,185. That is a decrease of $347,744, and due to a <br />combination of changes in the health insurance budget and decreases in full-time <br />positions. She stated that there is a reduction of 23 positions in 2009, 15 in 2008; 25.5 in <br />2007; 6.0 in 2006; 4.0 in 2005; and 11.0 in 2004 for an overall salary reduction for the <br />past six years of 85.0. She noted that in 2009 transfers between funds/departments <br />extracted. Departments eliminating positions are Administration & Finance, 2; Legal 1; <br />Parks & Recreation .5; Community & Economic Development 4.5; Public Works 11; <br />Building Department 2; Police (civilian) 2. Ms. Fanello stated that the City Health <br />Insurance budget decreased by $1.3 (or 11%) million due to performance of health <br />insurance plan. No health insurance premium increases expected in 2009 for City <br />Employees. She advised not to be misled by this because they have been able to stabilize <br />increases and take advantage of Anthem’s network pricing. This does not mean that <br />there won’t be increases in the future. Ms. Fanello advised that they are always at risk for <br />large catastrophic claims and health care costs continue to rise nationwide in excess of <br />15%. She noted other expenditures fuel costs have been budgeted at $3.90 a gallon <br />compared to the $2.90 in 2008. That equates to a 39% increase or $748,550. Pension <br />costs for PERF employer share for non police and fire employees remains at 6.0% and <br />PERF for active Police and Fire was reduced by the State to 19.5%. In 2008 Citywide <br />Pension Costs (Active) were $6,017,852 (Public Safety $4.33 million) and project for <br />2009 $5,919,307 (Public safety $4.49 million) a decrease of $98,545. She noted that 209 <br />projected bond payments of $18.9 million, excluding TIF bonds compared to 2008 <br />projected payments of $20.2 million. Property tax funds only one debt (Hall of Fame) <br /> 16 <br /> <br />