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REGULAR MEETING SEPTEMBER 22, 2008 <br /> <br /> <br /> <br />Councilmember White made a motion to combine these bills for purposes of Public <br />Hearing. Councilmember Oliver Davis seconded the motion which carried by a voice <br />vote of nine (9) ayes. <br /> <br />Councilmember LaFountain, Chairperson, Personnel and Finance Committee reported <br />that this committee held a public hearing on these bills this afternoon and voted to send <br />them to the full Council with favorable recommendation. <br /> <br />th <br />Mayor Stephen Luecke, 14 Floor County-City Building, 227 W. Jefferson Blvd., South <br />Bend, Indiana, made the presentation for these bills. <br /> <br />Mayor Luecke thanked everyone for all the hours that were put in over the summer in <br />budget committee hearings to look at not only a base line budget for 2009 but also a <br />potential spending plans for 2009 and 2010 that will become clearer as they get more <br />information about the impact of House Enrolled Act (HEA) 1001. As the City awaits <br />understanding the full impact of that act, he is submitted this proposed base line 2009 <br />budget. This base line budget is formulated upon the anticipated receipt of the full <br />revenue that enabled South Bend’s 67.3 million dollar general fund budget in 2008. In <br />the wake of the property tax caps the City will not receive the full revenue that it has <br />historically depended on to provide basic services of Public Safety, Parks and Recreation, <br />Neighborhood Revitalization and Infrastructure Investment. That is why he asked <br />Departments to develop spending plans for 2009 and 2010 that will outline how the City <br />will live within our means if revenue reductions of more than 27% are fully realized by <br />the year 2010. Until all of the issues related to the changing revenue picture are resolved, <br />he urged the Council to pass this base line budget. This budget provides the City with <br />maximum flexibility and continuing the services on which the residents and businesses <br />depend. If new sources of revenue are found this base line budget will enable the City to <br />continue providing services at essentially the same level as in 2008. If there are no <br />additional revenue sources 2009, they will return to the Council with a reduced <br />appropriation that will reflect a spending plan outlined during this summer’s budget <br />presentations. He stated that he looks forward to working in partnership with the Council <br />to continue looking for ways to continue these vital services to the residents as the Nation <br />faces troubled economic times and local governments in Indiana face new uncertainty in <br />their ability to fund those services. He stated that he is asking for approval of the base <br />line budget at a time when there continues to be a void of information. He stated that <br />they do not know what the certified assessed value is for the City of South Bend, they do <br />not have a certified tax rate not only for 2009 but 2008 yet. He stated that they do not <br />know what property taxes they will receive in 2008. All of that complicates the picture, <br />so given that they have decided to present this baseline budget for the Council <br />consideration and approval. <br /> <br />th <br />Catherine Fanello, City Controller, 12 Floor County-City Building, South Bend, Indiana <br /> <br />Ms. Fanello advised that this coming budget year is very different and uncertain in light <br />of the property tax reform passed by the Indiana General Assembly. Departments were <br />asked to create a baseline budget and create a proposed spending plan to reduce the <br />budget by $18.2 million over the next 2 years. She noted that the spending plans were <br />discussed during the summer Personnel & Finance committee hearings and that they need <br />further discussion before being adopted in 2009. She noted that levy growth is calculated <br />by the Department of Local Government Finance (DLGF). The allowed levy growth for <br />2009 is 4.0% compared to 3.7% in 2008. Ms. Fanello stated that budget assumptions for <br />2009 are a 96% collection rate and using 2007 assed values since 2008 assed values are <br />still unknown. The history of city property tax rates for the last four years are in 2006 the <br />rate was $2.1795 with a 3.1% growth and a 3.2% inflation rate; 2007 $2.1046, -3.4% and <br />2.8%; 2008 $2.1800 (est.) 3.00% 5.4% (August) and 2009 $2.2500 (est.) 3.21% and an <br />unknown inflation rate. She noted that in 2009 estimated levy budgeted is General Fund <br />$52,174,381; Park Fund $8,804,427; Police Pension $1,392,498; Fire Pension <br />$1,567,740; Cumulative Capital Development $1,160,880 for a total of $65,099,926. She <br />noted that the 2008 Project Levy (budgeted) General Fund $52,245,227; Park Fund <br />$8,816,382; Police Pension $1,449,805; Fire Pension $1,632,663; Cumulative Capital <br />Development $1,162,456 for a total of $65,306,533. The 2009 Decrease in Budgeted <br /> 15 <br /> <br />