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Sub. Bill 17-14 Proposed Animal Rights
Animal Welfare Commission
Sub. Bill 17-14 Proposed Animal Rights
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4/28/2014 12:30:51 PM
City Council - City Clerk
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Substitute Bill No. 17 -14 <br />Responsible Animal and Pet Ownership Care and Control Regulation Ordinance <br />Page 12 <br />{) (bbb) Pet: Any animal owned or harbored by any person, group of persons, partnership or <br />corporation, except service dogs, or police or canine governmental dogs. <br />(E*) (cce Pet shop: Any person, group of persons, partnership or corporation, whether operated <br />separately or in connection with another business enterprise, except a licensed cattery, kennel or <br />breeders, that buys, sells or offers for sale any species of animal, wholesale or retail. A permanent <br />physical structure specifically designed and ventilated for the overnight and long -term housing and sale <br />of animals both wholesale and retail. <br />(yy) ,(dam Potentially dangerous: means Any of the following: <br />1. Any animal which, when unprovoked, on two (2) separate occasions within the prior <br />thirty -six (36) month period, engages in any behavior that requires a defensive action <br />by any person to prevent bodily injury when the person and the animal are off of <br />property owned, lawfully occupied or controlled by the owner /guardian or keeper of <br />the animal as documented by an enforcement authority. <br />2. Any animal which, when unprovoked, bites a person causing an injury that is not a <br />severe injury, as defined below. <br />3. Any animal which, when unprovoked and off of property owned, lawfully occupied <br />or controlled by the owner /guardian or keeper of the animal, on two (2) separate <br />occasions within the prior thirty -six (36) month period, has bitten or otherwise caused <br />injury to a domestic animal that is not a severe injury, as defined below as <br />documented by an enforcement authority. <br />( ) ece Prohibited event: Any event where the enforcement authority determines it necessary to <br />prevent animals from being present during the event to ensure public safety. <br />(a* {ff .._„ Protective Custody Impound: To seize and place in to the Animal Shelter for the City of <br />South Bend, any animals due to disaster or other tragic event. <br />{1�bb) (ggg) Provoked: To stimulate, arouse, incite or excite. <br />(e� h� hh) Public nuisance: Any animal which: <br />(1) Interferes with a pedestrian(s) or a passing vehicle(s), or <br />(2) Attacks another animal or a person(s), or <br />(3) Is at large, or <br />(4) Damages private or public property, or <br />(5) Barks, whines, howls or makes other sounds common to its species in excess, <br />continuously for 15 minutes or for an aggregate 20 minutes in a one -hour period, or <br />(6) Is a dangerous wild or exotic animal. <br />
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