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Substitute Bill No. 17 -14 <br />Responsible Animal and Pet Ownership Care and Control Regulation Ordinance <br />Page 13 <br />An ear-tipped altered community cat shall not be considered a ublic nuisance. <br />{) iii) Quarantining authority: The Department of Code Enforcement, Division of Animal Care <br />and Control, its agents, employees and designees, acting under directives and regulations of the Health <br />Department of St. Joseph County or the Indiana state board of animal health. <br />(eee) (W) Rabies vaccination: The injection administered by a licensed and accredited veterinarian, of <br />a dog, cat or other animal with a rabies vaccine licensed by the U.S.D.A. and approved by the Indiana <br />State Board of Animal Health. <br />kkk Residential: Of, or pertaining to residence. <br />Wo (111) Restraint: Any animal secured by a leash or lead, or under the physical control of the <br />animal's owner or owner's designated agent, or within the real property limits of its owner. <br />(ggg) mmm Riding school or stable: Any place which has available for hire, boarding or riding <br />instruction, any horse, pony, donkey, mule or burro. <br />04,,h) (nnn) Rodeo. A performance featuring bronco riding, steer wrestling, calf roping, greased pig <br />contest or bull riding. <br />(goo) SBACC: South Bend Animal Care and Control, the body that acts with authority derived <br />from the Division of Animal Care and Control. <br />(i j) » a) Severe injury: Any physical injury to a human being or domestic pet or domestic livestock <br />that results in multiple bites, broken bones, muscle tears or disfiguring lacerations or requires multiple <br />sutures or corrective or cosmetic surgery. <br />(k4�k) (qqq) Service animal: 12 An animal trained and certified to assists a person who is impaired by: <br />1. Blindness or any other visual impairment; or <br />2. Deafness or any other aural impairment; or <br />3. A physical disability; or <br />4. A medical condition or any other condition governed by the Americans With Disabilities Act <br />(ADA). <br />{l l) ) Shelter manager: The Shelter Manager for the Division Animal Care and Control. <br />12 Indiana Code § 35 -46 -3 -11.5, Version A defines "service animal" with those regulations effective through July 1, 2014 and <br />Indiana Code § 35 -46 -3 -11.5, Version B defines "service animal" and addresses cruelty to a service animal and become <br />effective July 1, 2014. <br />