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Substitute Bill No. 17 -14 <br />Responsible Animal and Pet Ownership Care and Control Regulation Ordinance <br />Page 11 <br />(43 (pp)LLarge or Exotic Birds: Any large or exotic pet bird including but not limited to caiques, <br />conures, lories, lorikeets, large parakeets, parrots, poicephalus, African greys, Amazons, Cockatoos, <br />eclectus, and macaws. <br />fffi-* coq) Law Enforcement Animal, K -9 dogs and police dogs: Means A professionally trained god <br />used by law enforcement officers for law enforcement purposes and activities.-Lo <br />() ftr� Lawful trap, snare, or similar device: A humane, box style trap of suitable size and <br />construction appropriate for the target species. <br />(ee) fss Leash: Mean-,A cord, rope, strap or other such physical restraint. <br />0* tt Litter permit: The permit required by any person who intentionally or unintentionally causes or <br />allows the breeding of a litter of dogs or cats in a twelve -month period. Exception: if the parent <br />animal(s) are altered within fourteen (14) weeks after giving birth or the parent animal(s) and the litter <br />are relinquished to SBACC within fourteen LU4 weeks after birth of the litter, all permit requirements <br />shall be waived. <br />{} uu Medium or large reptile: A cold - blooded vertebrate including but not limited to iguanas, <br />monitors, snakes, and tortoises. <br />(qo (vvj Microchip implant: A passive electronic device that is injected into an animal by means of a <br />pre - packaged sterilized implanting device for purposes of identification and /or the recovery of animals <br />by their owner(s). <br />(ss} ww Microchip reader: An electronic device that detects any implanted microchip. <br />(xx) Non - Commercial: Not of, pertaining to, or characteristic of commerce. <br />(to yy.) Owner /guardian: A person owning or harboring one (1) or more animals for a period of longer <br />than twenty -one (21) days; however, caretakers of free- roaming and/ /or community cats shall not be <br />deemed to be owners or guardians of such animals.'' <br />{ zz I Patron Contact: Any person acting within the realm of a guest, customer, visitor, client, or <br />the like to an establishment may not touch, handle, or physically interact in any way with an exotic <br />and /or dangerous animal, unless they are acting under the scope of their legally sanctioned "enforcement <br />authority" in each particular instance. <br />( aaa Person: An individual, firm, corporation or commercial establishment <br />Indiana Code ' 35 -46 -34.5 defines "law enforcement animal ". <br />" Indiana Code § 15- 20 -1 -2 defines "owner" as "...a person who possesses, keeps, or harbors a dog ". <br />