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(t) DANGEROUS WILD or DANGEROUS EXOTIC ANIMAL. A wild or exotic animal, not indigenous to the State of Indiana, <br />not commonly found as a domestic animal, that would create a potential risk to public safety including but not limited to <br />bears, wolves, lions, tigers, jaguars, leopards, cougars, alligators, crocodiles, caimans, snakes and reptiles that are <br />venomous, apes, baboons, macaques, or any hybrid of like animal. <br />(u) DIVISION OF ANIMAL CONTROL. The municipally operated division established for the purpose of animal control, <br />care and disposition, as set forth in this chapter, operated by and under the direct supervision of the Director of the <br />Code Enforcement Department and the Shelter Manager. <br />(v) DIRECTOR. The Director of the Code Enforcement Department for the city. <br />(w) FREE-ROAMING CAT. Free-roaming cat means any outdoor cat. <br />(x) GROOMING SHOP. A commercial establishment where animals are bathed, clipped, plucked or otherwise groomed. <br />(y) INTACT ANIMAL PERMIT. The permit required by any person engaged in owning or harboring more than one dog <br />over the age of six months, which is unaltered, and/or more than one cat over the age of six months, which is unaltered. <br />(z) KENNEL. Any person, group of persons, partnership or corporation engaged in keeping more than one unaltered <br />dog, or the business of boarding, or training for a fee, or grooming. <br />(aa) LITTER PERMIT. The permit required by any person who intentionally or unintentionally causes or allows the <br />breeding of a litter of dogs or cats in a twelve-month period. Exception: if the parent animal(s) are altered within <br />fourteen weeks after giving birth or the parent animal(s) and the litter are relinquished to SBACC within fourteen weeks <br />after birth of the litter, all permit requirements shall be waived. <br />(bb) MICROCHIP IMPLANT. A passive electronic device that is injected into an animal by means of a pre-packaged <br />sterilized implanting device for purposes of identification and/or the recovery of animals by their owners. <br />(cc) MICROCHIP READER. An electronic device that detects any implanted microchip. <br />(dd) OWNER/GUARDIAN. A person owning or harboring one or more animals for a period of longer than twenty-one <br />days; however, caretakers of free-roaming and/or community cats shall not be deemed to be owners or guardians of <br />such animals. <br />(ee) PERSON. An individual, firm, corporation or commercial establishment. <br />(ff) PET. Any animal owned or harbored by any person, group of persons, partnership or corporation, except service <br />dogs, or police or canine governmental dogs. <br />(gg) PET SHOP. Any person, group of persons, partnership or corporation, whether operated separately or in connection <br />with another business enterprise, except a licensed cattery, kennel or breeders, that buys, sells or offers for sale any <br />species of animal, wholesale or retail. A permanent physical structure specifically designed and ventilated for the <br />overnight and long-term housing and sale of animals both wholesale and retail. <br />(hh) POTENTIALLY DANGEROUS. means any of the following: <br />(1.)Any animal which, when unprovoked, on two separate occasions within the prior thirty-six month period, <br /> <br />engages in any behavior that requires a defensive action by any person to prevent bodily injury when the <br />person and the animal are off of property owned, lawfully occupied or controlled by the owner/guardian or <br />keeper of the animal. <br />(2.)Any animal which, when unprovoked, bites a person causing an injury that is not a severe injury, as defined <br /> <br />below. <br />(3.)Any animal which, when unprovoked and off of property owned, lawfully occupied or controlled by the <br /> <br />owner/guardian or keeper of the animal, on two separate occasions within the prior thirty-six month period, <br />has bitten or otherwise caused injury to a domestic animal that is not a severe injury, as defined below. <br />(ii) PROHIBITED EVENT. Promoters, organizers, or other event where coordinators determine it necessary to prevent <br />animals from being present during the event to ensure public safety <br />(jj) PUBLIC NUISANCE. Any animal which: <br /> <br />