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(c) ALTERED ANIMAL. An animal that has been operated on to prevent it from procreating. <br />(d) ANIMAL. Any living vertebrate, domestic or wild, except a human being. <br />(e) ANIMAL CONCESSION. Any person, group of persons, partnership, or corporation who for compensation has any <br />animal available for hire or on display. <br />(f) ANIMAL CONTROL COMMISSION. The Animal Control Commission shall be an advisory Commission with regard to <br />policy and fiscal decisions affecting the Department of Animal Control. <br />(g) ANIMAL CONTROL OFFICER. Means a person authorized to carry out the provisions of this chapter. <br />(h) ANIMAL EVENT. Display, activity or show of wild or domestic animals in a shopping center, retail establishment, <br />adjacent lot, or elsewhere. <br />(i) ANIMAL FIGHTING PARAPHERNALIA. Equipment or items used to train or condition animals for participation in an <br />animal fighting contest or materials to promote animal fighting, the breeding of animals specifically for the purpose of <br />fighting, train animals for fighting, or to track the results of animal fights. <br />(j) ANIMAL HOARDER. Any person who: <br />(1.)Having more than the typical number of companion animals <br /> <br />(2.)Failing to provide even minimal standards of nutrition, sanitation, shelter, and veterinary care, with this neglect <br /> <br />often resulting in illness and death from starvation, spread of infectious disease, and untreated injury or medical <br />condition <br />(3.)Denial of the inability to provide this minimum care and the impact of that failure on the animals, the <br /> <br />household, and human occupants of the dwelling <br />(4.)Persistence, despite this failure, in accumulating and controlling animals <br /> <br />(k) ANIMAL WELFARE ORGANIZATION. Any not-for-profit, 501 (c)3 organization for the prevention of cruelty to animals <br />incorporated under state laws. <br />(l) AT LARGE ANIMAL. means a stray animal or any animal whose owner/guardian knowingly, intentionally, or recklessly <br />allows the animal to stray beyond premises owned, lawfully occupied or controlled by the owner/guardian unless under <br />restraint. This section does not apply to dogs engaged in lawful hunting accompanied by the owner/guardian or <br />custodian or to free-roaming and/or community cat(s). <br />(m) ATTACK. Where the animal exhibits one or more of the following behaviors, including, but not limited to: snarling, <br />biting, baring teeth, chasing, growling, barking, snapping, pouncing, lunging. <br />(n) AUCTION. Any place or facility where animals are regularly bought, sold or traded, except for those facilities <br />otherwise defined in this chapter or by state law. <br />(o) BREEDER. Any person who intentionally or accidentally causes the breeding of an animal or makes an animal cat or <br />dog available for breeding purposes, or any person who offers for sale, sells, trades, receives other compensation or <br />gives away any litter of dogs or cats; or any person who has unaltered animals who habitually (two or more litters) have <br />accidental litters. <br />"BUSINESS DAY" means "Monday through Friday, except for federal or state holidays. <br />(p) CARETAKER. A person who provides food, water and shelter for free-roaming and/or community cat(s). <br />(r) CATTERY. Any person or group of persons, partnership or corporation engaged in keeping more than one unaltered <br />cat for the purposes of breeding. <br />(q) COMMUNITY CAT. Community cat means that has been <br />an unowned, kept or having in custody outdoor cat <br />evaluated and sterilized by a licensed veterinarian, ear tipped and released back into the area from which s/he was <br />captured. <br /> (s) CIRCUS. A commercial variety show including animal acts for public entertainment. <br /> <br />