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(1.)Interferes with a pedestrian(s) or a passing vehicle(s) or <br /> <br />(2.)Attacks another animal or a person(s) or <br /> <br />(3.)Is at large or <br /> <br />(4.)Damages private or public property or <br /> <br />(5.)Barks, whines, howls or makes other sounds common to its species in excess, continuously for 15 minutes or for <br /> <br />an aggregate 20 minutes in a one-hour period <br />(kk) QUARANTING AUTHORITY. The department of Code Enforcement, Division of Animal Care and Control its agents, <br />employees and designees, acting under directives and regulations of the Health Department of St. Joseph County or the <br />Indiana state board of animal health. <br />(ll) RABIES VACCINATION. The injection administered by a licensed and accredited veterinarian, of a dog, cat or other <br />animal with a rabies vaccine licensed by the U.S.D.A. and approved by the Indiana State Board of Animal Health. <br />(mm) RESTRAINT. Any animal secured by a leash or lead, or under the physical control of the animal's owner or owner’s <br />designated agent, or within the real property limits of its owner. <br />(nn) RIDING SCHOOL or STABLE. Any place which has available for hire, boarding or riding instruction, any horse, pony, <br />donkey, mule or burro. <br />(oo) RODEO. A performance featuring bronco riding, steer wrestling, calf roping, greased pig contest or bull riding. <br />SBACC – South Bend Animal Care and Control <br />"Severe injury" means any physical injury to a human being or domestic pet or domestic livestock that results <br />in multiple bites, broken bones, muscle tears or disfiguring lacerations or requires multiple sutures or corrective <br />or cosmetic surgery. <br /> <br />(pp) SERVICE DOGS. Dogs certified to assist people with special needs. <br />(qq) SHELTER MANAGER. The Shelter Manager for the Division of South Bend Animal Care and Control of the South <br />Bend Department of Code Enforcement. <br />Stray means any animal that is not under restraint and/or upon reasonable inquiry by an animal control officer does not <br />appear to have an owner. This section does not apply to free-roaming and/or community cat(s) as defined in this <br />chapter. <br />"Tether" means attaching a domestic pet to a stationary object or pulley run by means of a chain, rope, tether, cable, or <br />similar restraint. "Tether" does not include the use of a leash to walk a domestic pet. <br />"Trap-neuter-return" is a management technique in which homeless, free-roaming (community) <br />cats are humanely trapped, evaluated and sterilized by a licensed veterinarian, vaccinated against <br />rabies, and then returned to their original habitat. <br /> <br />(rr) VETERINARY HOSPITAL. Any establishment maintained and operated by a licensed veterinarian for the purpose of <br />hospitalization of animals or the diagnosis and treatment of diseases and injuries of animals. <br />(ss) VICIOUS ANIMAL. Means any of the following: <br />(1.)Any animal which, when unprovoked, in an aggressive manner, inflicts severe injury on or kills a human being or <br /> <br />domestic pet. <br />(2.)Any animal previously determined to be and currently listed as a potentially dangerous animal which, after its <br /> <br />owner/guardian has been notified of this determination, continues the potentially dangerous behavior, as <br />defined herein or is maintained in violation of Chapter 5 of this title. <br />(tt) WILD ANIMAL. Any living vertebrate animal normally found in the wild state. <br /> <br />