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(b) While at work, rental horses shall be allowed to drink. However, a rental horse shall not be allowed to drink in large <br />quantities unless it is first rested. Water shall be offered at frequent periods throughout the day or in the case of horses <br />not at work, water shall be available at all times. Troughs shall be cleaned daily. Sufficient nutritional foods and water <br />shall be provided free of dust, mold, vermin and other contaminants. Rental horses shall be fed at least twice daily with <br />the larger feeding being provided after the horse has completed work. <br />(c) Certified weights of all horses and horse drawn vehicles shall be registered with the Department of Animal Control <br />annually. At the discretion of the Department of Animal Control, when supported by the opinion of a consulting <br />veterinarian, a rental horse within a business may be restricted in regard to pulling/riding capacity, based on individual <br />characteristics and abilities. <br />(d) No rental horse shall be at work for more than eight hours a day. There shall be a rest period of 15 minutes for every <br />two working hours. During such rest periods, the person in charge of such horse shall make fresh water available to the <br />horse. <br />(e) Rental horses shall not be worked in temperatures below -0 F., with wind chill factor applied. At no time shall a <br />rental horse be at work when the sum of the relative humidity and ambient temperature exceeds 100º. For the <br />purposes of this subdivision, temperatures shall be those measured “downtown” and broadcast by the local radio <br />stations. An operator of a rental horse already at work at the time the temperatures reach the above described <br />conditions shall return the passengers to the point of loading and rest the horse in sheltered conditions. Thereafter, <br />such horses may be worked only when the weather conditions once again reach acceptable limits. <br />(f) Rental horses shall not work on a public highway, street or path during adverse weather or other conditions which <br />are a threat to the health or safety of the horse or the public. Adverse weather conditions may include but shall not be <br />restricted to snow, ice, heavy rain, slippery conditions or excessive heat. <br />(g) Carriage companies shall equip all carriages/horses with a manure catching device for use at all times while working. <br />(h) No horse-drawn carriage shall be driven at a speed faster than a trot at any time. All such carriages shall adhere to <br />state law on slow moving vehicles. No horse drawn carriage shall be operated between the hours of 7:00 a.m. through <br />9:30 a.m. and 3:30 p.m. through 6:00 p.m., Monday through Friday. (Where in South Bend are carriages permitted?) <br />(i) It shall be the responsibility of the owner/operator of a rental horse drawn carriage to ensure there is a slow moving <br />vehicle emblem displayed on each carriage, whenever the carriage is moved, operated, or driven. The triangular slow <br />moving vehicle emblem will be mounted as near as is practicable to the center of mass and at an approximate height of <br />not less than three and not more than five feet from level ground or surface. The emblem shall be mounted so as to be <br />entirely visible from the rear, day or night. <br /> (j) It shall be the responsibility of the owner/operator of a rental horse drawn carriage to ensure there are flashing <br />lamps mounted and in use whenever the carriage is moved, operated, or driven 1 hour before sunrise and 1 hour after <br />sunset. A red or an amber flashing lamp will be mounted at a height as low as practicable that is visible from a distance <br />of not less than five hundred feet to the rear. Also, a double-faced flashing lamp may be used, displaying amber light to <br />the front and red or amber light to the rear. <br /> (k) Every horse whose use requires a license hereunder shall be examined by a veterinarian prior to its use in a rental <br />horse business, and thereafter at intervals of not less than once a year. The horse shall be examined and treated for <br />internal parasites. Its general physical condition shall be evaluated, which examination shall include but not be limited <br />to, inspection of teeth, hooves, and shoes, and for its physical ability to perform the work or duties required of it. The <br />examination shall also include a record of any injury, disease, or deficiency observed by the veterinarian at the time, <br />together with any prescription or professional recommendation regarding humane correction or disposition of the <br />same. An Indiana health certificate containing the above information and signed by the examining veterinarian shall be <br />maintained at the stable premises at which such horse is located, and shall contain the identification number, age and <br />condition of the horse. With a copy on file with SBACC. <br />(l) The rental horse business shall take immediate action to obtain veterinary treatment, care and attention when any <br />horse is or becomes sick, diseased, lame or injured. If a horse dies while at work or in the stable area, or is involved in <br />an accident resulting in an injury to a horse, the Department of Animal Control shall be notified immediately. <br /> <br />