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(m) A horse covered by this subchapter which is or becomes lame or suffers from a physical condition or illness making it <br />unsuitable for work shall be removed from work by the rental horse business or may be ordered removed from work by <br />the Department of Animal Control. In the event of a dispute regarding such physical condition or illness, the <br />Department may require that a rental horse be examined by a veterinarian in order to determine its ability to safely <br />work as a rental horse. The cost of any such examination shall be borne solely by the rental horse company. A horse <br />which has been removed from work under this division shall not be returned to work until it has recovered from the <br />condition which caused removal from work, or until such condition has improved sufficiently that its return to work will <br />not aggravate the condition or otherwise endanger the health of the horse. A violation of this section shall be presumed <br />if a horse is found at work in a sick or disabled condition within 48 hours after its removal from work for the same <br />condition which caused such removal. Such presumption may be rebutted by offering a written statement from a <br />veterinarian who examined the horse after the time of removal from work but prior to its return to work, which <br />statement sets out the veterinarian's professional evaluation of the condition and his/her opinion that it was suitable for <br />the horse to return to work prior the expiration of the 48-hour period. This statement shall be carried with the horse <br />during the presumed 48-hour recovery period, and provided to the Department of Animal Control upon request. <br />(n) Saddles, blankets, harnesses, bridles and bits and all other equipment shall be properly fitted to each horse and kept <br />in good repair. <br />(o) Horses shall be kept clean while at work and in the stable. Horses shall be trimmed and shod a minimum of once <br />every six weeks or sooner if necessary. <br />(Ord. XXXXXX) Penalty, see § 5.999 <br />§ 5.124 EXCEPTED FROM COVERAGE. <br />Rental horse business as defined in § 5.120 are excepted from coverage under § 5.060 and are governed solely by the <br />licensing provisions of this subchapter. <br />(Ord. XXXXXX) <br />§ 5.999 PENALTY. <br />(a) Violators shall be fined as follows: Any person violating any of the provisions of this chapter shall be fined for each <br />offense, in any sum not less than $50 nor more than $2,500 and each day's violation shall constitute a separate offense. <br />(b) Upon finding of violations of this chapter, the court may order relinquishment of an animal(s) deemed to be a public <br />safety risk and/or a repetitive public nuisance that has not been abated or an animal that is a victim of cruelty, neglect, <br />or abandonment, to the Department of Animal Control for disposition. <br />(c) Upon finding an animal dangerous pursuant to § 5.033, the court must order destruction of said animal. Destruction <br />of the animal does not preclude fines for each offense as outlined in division (A) of this section. <br />(d) Upon finding of violation of sections pertaining to animal fighting, public safety, and animal cruelty or neglect, the <br />court may order no animal ownership for a determinate period. The court may mandate counseling in finding violations <br />of cruelty to an animal or animal hoarding. <br />(e) In the event that an animal is retained at the Department of Animal Control because its owner or harborer has been <br />in violation of this chapter, the person redeeming the animal by paying the prescribed fees shall also be required to pay <br />the costs incurred by ACC for impoundment and caring for including but not limited to: 1) surgeries, 2) vaccines, 3) x- <br />rays, 4) medications, exams, lab work, 5) boarding, 6) rescue equipment, and or 7) perishable personal protection <br />equipment. <br />(f) Violations of this chapter may result in immediate impoundment of animal(s). <br />(g) Violation of any provision of this chapter may result in revocation of any permit(s) and may require a re-inspection <br />prior to reinstatement upon approval. <br />(h) Upon finding an owner or harborer guilty of violations for this chapter, the court may order restitution including but <br />not limited to: 1) human medical bills, 2) victim veterinary and/or medical bills, 3) replacement cost of animal, 4) <br />property damage, 5) lost wages, and or 6) counseling or psychological treatment obtained by victim directly related to <br />violation incident. <br /> <br />