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or operator of a rental horse business shall permit a carriage driver to operate without a valid chauffeur or operator's <br />permit to drive. <br />(b) Licenses shall be issued for a term of one year and shall be renewed annually. <br />(c) An application for a license or renewal of a license shall be made to the Department of Animal Control. Applications <br />for renewal must be submitted no later than ten business days prior to expiration of the current license. All such <br />applications shall contain the name and address of the owner of the horse and the rental horse business in which such <br />horse is to be used. The horse shall be identified by breed, age, sex, color, markings, and the location of the stables <br />where the horse is to be kept, recorded on a veterinary certificate provided by the South Bend Department of Animal <br />Control. No license shall be transferable. Upon the transfer of ownership or use of any horse to a new owner or <br />operator shall obtain a new license for such horse within 30 days of the transfer date. <br />(d) The annual fee per working animal license or renewal shall be $100 for carriage horses and $10 for riding horses, and <br />shall be paid upon submission of an application to the Department of Animal Control. <br />(e) Each horse licensed for use pursuant to these regulations shall be assigned an official identification number unique to <br />that horse during the duration of its use by the rental horse business. <br />(f) An owner or operator of a rental horse business shall keep an accurate daily record of the movement of each licensed <br />horse including driver's name, horse's identification number, vehicle license plate number, time of leaving stable and <br />time of return to stable. Such records shall be kept on the premises of the stable where rental horses are kept or <br />maintained and shall be made available to the Department of Animal Control upon request. <br />(g) An owner or operator of a rental horse business shall make the stable in which horses used in the rental business are <br />kept open for inspection at all reasonable time by authorized personnel of the Department of Animal Control to enforce <br />the provisions of this subchapter. <br />(Ord. XXXXXX) Penalty, see § 5.999 <br />§ 5.122 HOUSING/STABLE PREMISES. <br />(a) Walls and ceilings. Walls and ceilings shall be kept clean, in good repair, and free of physical hazards at all <br />times. Stall walls shall be constructed of a safe and secure material, with boarding set beginning at ground level and <br />close enough to prevent the “casting” of a horse. <br />(b) Floors. Floors shall be level and free of holes or openings, and shall provide proper drainage. No horse shall be <br />stabled on a concrete floor without adequate cushioning. <br />(c) Storage areas. Feed shall be kept in storage areas constructed to permit extermination treatment in order to be <br />made rodent and insect proof. Feed storage area shall allow no harborage and be kept vermin free. Storage of feed <br />concentrates shall be in an area inaccessible to the horses. <br />(d) Ventilation. Adequate ventilation shall be maintained, but rental horses shall not be unnecessarily exposed to drafts <br />in stables during cold weather. All stable areas shall be adequately lighted by natural or artificial means so as to permit <br />effective and safe activities through day and night. <br />(e) General sanitation. All interior areas of stable and all exterior areas surrounding a stable shall be kept clean, properly <br />drained and free of nuisances including, but not limited to, odors and accumulation of refuse or excrement. Manure <br />accumulations shall be removed from the premises weekly to prevent rodent and vermin activity. <br />(f) Stalls. Each stall shall house only one horse or pony. Stalls shall be attended to daily ensuring clean and dry sufficient <br />bedding of straw, shavings or other suitable material which shall be changed as often as necessary to maintain <br />them. The ceiling and shortest wall of the stall shall measure three feet greater than the height of the horse at the <br />withers. <br />(Ord. XXXXXX) Penalty, see § 5.999 <br />§ 5.123 REGULATIONS. <br />(a) Horses shall not be left untethered or unattended except when confined in a stable or other enclosure. <br /> <br />