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(b) In the event the Animal Control Officer, Board of Health or police officer has reasonable cause to believe that the <br />keeping or maintaining of an animal is so hazardous, unsafe or dangerous as to require immediate inspection to <br />safeguard the animal or the public health or safety, the officer shall first present proper credentials and request entry, <br />explaining the reasons therefor. If entry is refused or cannot be obtained because the owner or other person having <br />charge or control of the property cannot be found after reasonable search, the officer shall have recourse to secure <br />lawful entry and inspection of the property. <br />(Ord. XXXXXX) <br />§ 5.109 DISPOSITION OF MONEY. <br />(a) All money generated, received or collected by virtue of the provisions of this chapter are to be set aside and placed in <br />the general fund, except as hereinafter provided. <br />(b) All money received by the Department of Animal Control through donations, gifts, bequests or devises shall be <br />payable to the city controller and deposited into a dedicated animal care fund to be used to promote the safe and <br />humane treatment of animals in the city and county, to pay for any reasonable expenses incurred promoting the proper <br />care, treatment and sterilization of animals and education the public regarding the same. No expenditure may be made <br />from the dedicated animal care fund unless first approved by a majority of the Animal Control Commissioners. The <br />expenditure of funds from the dedicated animal care fund shall be subject to all state and local appropriation and <br />purchasing requirements. Any funds donated for a specific purpose shall be used only consistent with the donor's <br />specific request. <br />(c) All money generated, received or collected in response to the department's special fund-raising projects shall be <br />payable to the city controller and deposited in a dedicated animal control special projects fund to be used in a manner <br />consistent with the announced purpose of any special fund-raising event or project. No expenditure may be made from <br />the dedicated animal control special projects fund unless first approved by the Shelter Manager. The expenditure of <br />funds from the dedicated animal control special projects fund shall be subject to all state and local appropriation and <br />purchasing requirements. <br />(d) The Shelter Manager shall provide the Animal Control Commission, at each meeting, a report relating to the revenue <br />and expenditures of the dedicated animal care fund and the dedicated animal control special projects fund. <br />(Ord. XXXXXX) <br />RENTAL HORSES <br />§ 5.120 DEFINITIONS. <br />For the purpose of this subchapter, the following definitions shall apply unless the context clearly indicates or requires a <br />different meaning. <br />(a) CARRIAGE HORSE. Any horse or pony which is used by its owner or any other person to pull any vehicle, carriage, <br />sled, sleigh or other device in exchange for a fee. A horse rented or leased by its owner to another for any of the <br />foregoing purposes shall be deemed to be a carriage horse for the purposes of this subchapter. <br />(b) RENTAL HORSE BUSINESS. A business enterprise which operates a horse drawn vehicle for hire such as a horse <br />drawn cab, or offers the use of a horse to the public for a fee for the purpose of riding or pulling a horse drawn vehicle. <br />(c) STABLE. Any place, establishment or facility where one or more rental horses are housed, boarded for a fee, or <br />maintained. <br />(d) WORK. A horse is considered to be at work when it is out of its stable and presented to the public as being available <br />for riding, pulling carriages, vehicles or other device, or when it is saddled or in harness. <br />(Ord. XXXXXX) <br />§ 5.121 PERMITS AND ADMINISTRATION. <br />(a) It shall constitute a violation of this subchapter for any person or corporation to use or offer for use a horse in a <br />rental horse business without a license issued pursuant to the regulations and conditions set out hereinafter. No owner <br /> <br />