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menaces, maims, or kills domestic animals when <br />iii) <br />off its ownerÈs property; or <br />is used to threaten people or domestic pets or is used as a <br />iv) <br />weapon in the commission of a crime. <br />Notwithstanding the above, the dog warden or his representative <br />shall have discretionary authority to refrain from classifying a <br />gerous, even if the dog has engaged in the specified behaviors, <br />determined that the behavior was the result of the victim abusin <br />menting the dog or it was directed towards a trespasser or a per <br />mitting or attempting to commit a crime or it involved other sim <br />gating or extenuating circumstances. <br />Upon receiving and investigating a complaint, the animal <br />2) <br />control officer or his representative shall investigate the circ <br />notify the dog owner of the charge. The results of the investiga <br />be reported to a magistrate or other court officer or to an appo <br />mal control board and to the dog owner. If the court officer dee <br />dog to be dangerous, the dog owner has the option of filing an a <br />with the animal control board or accepting the designation. Depe <br />the circumstances, the dog may be impounded pending disposition of the <br />case. <br />Sanctions for owning a dangerous dog: A dangerous dog may <br />3) <br />be returned to the owner or may be destroyed depending on the ou <br />of the investigation. If the dog is returned to the owner, it mu <br />microchipped, confined in a locked pen with a top when not in a home or <br />other building, and restricted by a sturdy leash no longer than <br />when in public. The pen must be built so the dog cannot dig his way out <br />or otherwise escape. Photos of the dog must be filed with the an <br />trol agency and the owner must provide proof of at least $100,00 <br />bility insurance. Depending on the outcome of the investigation, <br />may require a behavioral evaluation of the dog and sentence the <br />attend a responsible ownership class. <br />Confinement of dangerous dogs: Dogs that have been adjudi- <br />4) <br />cated as dangerous must be confined behind a locked fence of suf <br />height and materials to contain the dog and prevent trespass. Co <br />must be sufficient to prevent children from coming into contact <br />dog. When off the ownerÈs property, a dangerous dog must be rest <br />by a leash of no more than four feet in length and may be requir <br />wear a muzzle. <br />Transporting dangerous dogs: Dogs that have been adjudicated <br />5) <br />as dangerous must be confined in a crate in a closed vehicle to <br />opportunities for escape and in a manner sufficient to prevent c <br />from coming into contact with the dog through an open window in <br />vehicle. <br />[ 19 ] <br />© National Animal Interest Alliance, March 2005 <br /> <br />