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Procedure for classifying a dog as at risk: Upon filing of a <br />2) <br />complaint, the animal control officer or his representative shal <br />the circumstances and notify the dog owner of the charge. The re <br />the investigation should be reported to a magistrate or other <br />court officer or to an appointed animal control board and to the <br />dog owner. If the court officer deems the dog to be at risk, the <br />dog owner has the option of filing an appeal with the animal <br />control board or court or accepting the designation. <br />Notwithstanding the above, the dog warden or his <br />representative shall have discretionary authority to refrain fro <br />classifying a dog as at risk, even if the dog has engaged in the <br />specified behaviors, if it can be determined that the behavior w <br />the result of the victim abusing or tormenting the dog or it was <br />directed toward a trespasser or a person committing or attempt- <br />ing to commit a crime or it involved other similar mitigating or <br />extenuating circumstances. <br />Sanctions for owning an at risk dog: The owner must provide <br />3) <br />secure fencing to keep the dog confined on his own property. Whe <br />the ownerÈs property, the dog must be kept on a secure leash of <br />than four feet in length and under control of a legally responsi <br />The owner must also place photos of the dog on file with the animal <br />control agency, microchip the dog for identification, and provid <br />liability insurance that covers injuries. (This insurance may be <br />impossible to obtain, so owners should have the option of self-insuring <br />against an incident.) <br />Depending on the outcome of the investigation, the court may <br />also assign the dog to private or group obedience classes or to <br />by a behavior specialist and may require the owner to attend a r <br />ownership class. These additional requirements will be at the ex <br />the owner. <br />Procedure for removal from at risk dog list: If there have been <br />4) <br />no further incidents for a period of 18 months and the owner can <br />proof of obedience training at a reputable club or business, he <br />to the court of the animal control board for removal of the desi <br />Dangerous dog <br />A dangerous dog is one that <br />1) <br />has previously been classified as at risk and exhibits escalatin <br />i) <br />aggressive behaviors that result in further complaints; <br />a dog that, without provocation, inflicts severe injury on a <br />ii) <br />human being; <br />[ 18 ] <br />© National Animal Interest Alliance, March 2005 <br /> <br />