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ple dogs can purchase annual kennel (facility) licenses for an a <br />the county using a format or system that enables animal control <br />nize and reward responsible ownership. Facility licenses are ava <br />dogs owned or housed on the property as long as the facility and <br />meet minimum standards for housing and care. <br />Facility licenses can be discounted based on the incentives listed <br />5. <br />for individual dog owners. <br />If public perception of animal control is going to change, pub- <br />6. <br />lic education and advertising programs will be necessary to info <br />about animal control programs and goals. Therefore, license fees <br />set aside in a fund specifically for animal control programs, in <br />impoundment of uncontrolled dogs, administration of the county a <br />control program, and annual public education events to encourage <br />responsible dog ownership necessary for a viable animal control <br />License fees shall be waived for: <br />7. <br />any dog used primarily as a service animal when the owner or <br />i) <br />keeper establishes the service animal's function as an assistanc <br />under the Americans with Disabilities Act, 42 USC 12101 et seq. <br />any dog used by a public agency or a private organization <br />ii) <br />under contract to a public agency as a police dog, tracking dog, <br />rescue dog, arson or drug sniffing dog, or for any other job tha <br />the mission of the agency to protect and serve the public intere <br />Free juvenile licenses may be made available for dogs below <br />8. <br />licensing age. Each jurisdiction can determine the age division <br />juveniles and adults. Juvenile licenses provide a non-threatening entry into <br />the system when the puppy is acquired and new owners are most op <br />information about becoming responsible pet owners. Juvenile lice <br />be available through breeders, veterinarians and pet stores at t <br />puppy is obtained or first seen by a veterinarian and can be input into the <br />data base for rabies vaccination and license renewal reminders. <br />licenses can come with brochures describing animal control benef <br />relating to home returns, microchip and fencing for reduced fees <br />What to do about cats ¼ <br />NAIA opposes cat licensing for a variety of reasons. Cats pose <br />little threat to public health, which is the conventional reason for govern- <br />ment regulation of animals. To the contrary, cats can and often <br />a public health benefit in settings where mice and other rodents might <br />otherwise proliferate. In addition, some cats never go outdoors <br />unjust to expect the owners of indoor cats to foot the bill for <br />roaming and indoor/outdoor cats that become nuisances. Studies <br />that more than 40% of US cats are strays or feral animals and th <br />[ 13 ] <br />10% of households feed stray cats.17 <br />© National Animal Interest Alliance, March 2005 <br /> <br />