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complete an AKC Canine Good Citizen course and test 10; <br />i) <br />achieve an obedience title awarded by a nationally respected <br />ii) <br />organization such as the American Kennel Club; <br />use microchips (or other permanent iden- <br />iii) <br />tification that is acceptable to the agency)11,12; <br />confine their dogs in a yard that is securely <br />iv) <br />fenced to prevent escape; <br />belong to an obedience club, kennel club, <br />v) <br />or dog organization that promotes responsible <br />dog ownership 13,14; <br />are active participants in dog sports, search <br />vi) <br />and rescue activities, or therapy dog visits 13,14,15; <br />neuter their pets; or <br />vii) <br />participate in a dog or cat rescue program. <br />viii) <br />Incentive discounts cannot be used to reduce the yearly dog <br />3. <br />license fee below a minimum amount set by the agency. Under the current <br />system, there is one fee for fertile dogs, and a discounted fee <br />dogs, the price of a neutered dog often being about half of the rate <br />charged for an intact dog. Under the system recommended here, re <br />ble dog owners with intact dogs would also be eligible to receiv <br />for practices that are associated with responsible dog ownership <br />ers would choose from a menu of license discounts: a dog might q <br />for a $15 discount if he is neutered; an $8 discount if microchi <br />discount if the dog passes a CGC test or completes an obedience course or <br />achieves an obedience title, or $5 if the owner participates in <br />belongs to a club or association that promotes responsible dog o <br />or participates in dogs sports or therapy dog visits to hospital <br />homes 16. Those who wish to keep their dogs intact can get their discounts <br />by permanently identifying their dogs, participating in dog spor <br />py work, belonging to a club that promotes responsible pet owner <br />performing rescue, confining their dogs behind a secure fence, e <br />A review of licensing statistics shows that neutered dogs have t <br />highest license compliance rates. This suggests that incentives work and <br />that the responsible owners of intact dogs might also be excelle <br />dates for licensing if incentives were offered to them. A side b <br />program is its public education value. It provides a vehicle for <br />important information about specific elements of responsible dog <br />ship to the public, with a positive feedback loop for people who license <br />their dogs. <br />Breeders, rescuers, hunting dog owners and others with multi- <br />4. <br />[ 12 ] <br />© National Animal Interest Alliance, March 2005 <br /> <br />