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REGULAR MEETING JUNE 14, 1965 <br />ORDINANCE, FIRST & SECOND READING <br />AN ORDINANCE AMENDING AND SUPPLEMENTING ZONING ORDINANCE NO. 3702 <br />(Bounded on the East by Olive St, and the 1st east -west alley West <br />of Olive, on West by Eclipse Place & Meade St., on the North by <br />the rear lot line of lots fronting on Bonds Avenue, on South by <br />Bonds and Westmoor) <br />The ordinance was given first reading by title and second reading in full. Councilman Palmer made a motion <br />that the ordinance be set for public hearing on July 12, 1965. Councilman Szymkowiak seconded the motion. <br />Motion carried. <br />ORDINANCE, FIRST & SECOND READING <br />AN ORDINANCE AMENDING AND SUPPLEMENTING ZONING ORDINANCE NO. 3702 <br />(Bounded on East by Ironwood, on West by Sampson, on the North by <br />the rear lot lines of lots fronting on Randolph and on the South <br />by Bowman) <br />The ordinance was given first reading by title and second reading in full. Councilman Szymkowiak made a motion <br />that the ordinance be set for public hearing on July 12, 1965. Councilman Wise seconded the motion. Motion <br />carried. <br />ORDINANCE, FIRST & SECOND READING <br />AN ORDINANCE AMENDING AND SUPPLEMENTING ZONING ORDINANCE NO. 3702 <br />(Bounded on East by Ironwood, West by Sampson, North by Bowman <br />and South by Ewing Ave.) <br />The ordinance was given first reading by title and second reading in full. Councilman Muszynski made a motion <br />that the ordinance be set for public hearing on July 12, 1965. Councilman Wise seconded the motion. Motion <br />carried. <br />ORDINANCE, FIRST & SECOND READING <br />AN ORDINANCE AMENDING AND SUPPLEMENTING ZONING ORDINANCE NO. <br />3702 OF THE CITY OF SOUTH BEND, IND. <br />(305 Manchester Drive) <br />The ordinance was given first reading by title and second reading in full. Councilman Allen made a motion that <br />the ordinance be set for public hearing on July 12, 1965. Councilman Muszynski seconded the motion. Motion <br />carried. <br />ORDINANCE, FIRST & SECOND READING <br />AN ORDINANCE ANNEXING TO AND BRINGING WITHIN THE CITY <br />LIMITS OF SOUTH BEND, INDIANA, CERTAIN LANDS. <br />(11.7 acres, more or less, east of Miami Road, North <br />of Jackson Road and abutting the present city limits <br />on the east) <br />The ordinance was given first reading by title and second reading in_full. Councilman Muszynski'made a motion <br />that the ordinance be set for public hearing on July 12, 1965. Councilman Wish seconded the motion. Motion <br />carried. <br />ORDINANCE, FIRST & SECOND READING <br />AN ORDINANCE ANNEXING TO AND BRINGING WITHIN THE CITY <br />LIMITS OF SOUTH BEND, INDIANA, CERTAIN LANDS. <br />(12.05 acres, more or less, fronting on the South side <br />of Jackson Road, East of Miami and adjoining the present <br />city limits on the east and south sides) <br />The ordinance was given first reading by title and second reading in full. Councilman Palmer made a motion <br />that the ordinance be set for public hearing on July 12, 1965 Councilman Muszynski seconded the motion. <br />.Motion carried. <br />ORDINANCE, FIRST & SECOND READING <br />AN ORDINANCE ANNEXING TO AND BRINGING WITHIN THE CITY <br />LIMITS OF SOUTH BEND, INDIANA, CERTAIN LANDS. <br />(North by Darden, West by River, South by Toll Road, <br />East by Brooktrails Subdivision = -138 acres) <br />The ordinance was given first reading by title and second reading in full. Councilman Szymkowiak made a motion <br />that the ordinance be set for public hearing on July 12, 1965. Councilman Wise seconded the motion. Motion <br />carried. <br />ORDINANCE, FIRST & SECOND READING <br />AN ORDINANCE ANNEXING TO AND BRINGING WITHIN'.'THE CITY <br />LIMITS OF SOUTH BEND, INDIANA, CERTAIN LANDS. <br />(29.84 acres, more or less, bounded on the east, north <br />and south by the present pity limits on the west by <br />Maple Road and lying between Cleveland Road and,Lathrop) <br />The ordinance was given first reading by title and second reading in full. Councilman Smith made a motion <br />that the ordinance be set for public hearing on July 26, 1965. Councilman Muszynski seconded the motion. <br />Motion carried. <br />