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additions which have been under consideration for some time, and on the basis of the lowest and best bids received <br />and estimates of other expenses made by the consulting engineers, the total cost of said extensions and additions <br />including all incidental expenses to be incurred in connection therewith, has been determined to be One Million <br />Nine Hundred Forty Thousand Dollars ($1,940,000.00), itemized as follows: <br />Contract <br />No. <br />DESCRIPTION.. <br />AMOUNT <br />1 and 2 <br />Remodeling and improving present facilities at the Oliver Park Pumping <br />$236,671.94 <br />Station and construction of an addition thereto <br />3 <br />Pinhook Park and Airport area wells and pumping units <br />$136,802.00 <br />4 <br />Chlorination, well controls and metering equipment, Pinhook <br />Park and Airport areas <br />$116,876.00 <br />5 <br />Ironwood Drive reservoir <br />$209,920.00 <br />6 <br />Feeder Water main,-13,600 feet, from Riverside Drive, Pinhook Park Area <br />$407,948.59 <br />7 <br />Feeder water main from Airport area, 15,700 feet <br />$203,017.26 <br />8 <br />Distribution water main, 11,500 feet, from Mishawaka Avenue and Logan <br />Street to Edison Road and Manchester Drive <br />$110,042.40 <br />9 <br />Distribution water main, 12,400 feet in length, from Ireland Road <br />and York Drive to Ironwood Drive and Ewing Avenue <br />$134,238.21 <br />10 <br />Distribution water main, 7,500 feet, from Pinhook Park area to <br />Lilac Road and Darden Road <br />$ 59,754.38 <br />Engineering <br />$174,313.13 <br />Contingencies <br />$139,540.33 <br />Land Acquisition $ 20,000.00 <br />Public Service Commission Fees and Costs, Legal Fees, Accounting Fees, <br />Bond Printing, Preparation of Official Statement, and Miscellaneous <br />Expense 1 $ 50,875.76 <br />TOTAL PROJECT COST $1,940,000.00 <br />and <br />WHEREAS, in order to finance said extensions and additions it will be necessary to issue.revenue bonds in <br />the amount of One Million Nine Hundred Forty Thousand Dollars ($1,940,000.00), payable out of the revenues of the <br />municipality owned waterworks system; and <br />WHEREAS, in order to provide sufficient funds to pay the cost of operation and maintenance of the water- <br />works, provide for reasonable depreciation, and the payment of said bonds and the interest thereon, it will be, <br />necessary to increase the rates and charges for water service; and <br />WHEREAS, George Sands, Attorney of South Bend, Indiana, has been employed by this Board to act as special <br />counsel in connection with the issuance of said bonds and Ross, McCord,wIce and Miller, bond counsel of Indianapolis, <br />has been employed by this Board to act as bond counsel, and said special counsel has prepared for consideration <br />by this Board and the Common Council.suggested forms for the bond ordinance and rate ordinance based upon date <br />furnished by the consulting engineers and utility accountants employed by the Board, which ordinances have been <br />approved by said bond counsel and duly considered by this Board and found satisfactory; and <br />WHEREAS, the bids for the construction of said extensions and additions have been accepted subject to <br />authorization by the Common Council for the issuance of the required amount of revenue bonds and the necessary <br />increase in the water rates and charges, and further subject to approval of the Public Service Commission for the <br />issuance of said bonds and the putting into effect of a new schedule of water rates and charges, making it necessary <br />that prompt action,be taken; now therefore, <br />BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF PUBLIC WORKS AND SAFETY OF THE CITY OF SOUTH BEND, INDIANA: <br />1. That this Board request the Common Council of the City of South Bend to authorize the Issuance of <br />waterworks revenue bonds in the amount of One Million Nine Hundred Forty Thousand Dollars ($1,940,000.00), on the <br />terms and conditions set out in the form of bond ordinance presented at this meeting. <br />2. That this Board requests the Common Council to authorize a new schedule of rates and charges for <br />water service on the basis of the rates and charges set out in the form of rate ordinance presented to this meeting. <br />3. That the Clerk of the Board be and he is hereby directed to file a certified copy of this resolution <br />with the City Clerk for presentation to the Common Council. as soon as may be done. <br />4. That in the event the Council shall authorize the issuance of said revenue bonds and said increase <br />in water rates, then a petition shall be filed with the Public Service Commission of Indiana requesting approval <br />for the issuance of said bonds and for putting into effect the new schedule of water rates and charges, which <br />petition shall be approved by the City Attorney and said bond counsel. <br />Adopted this 9 day of May, 1960. <br />/s/ Irving J. Smith <br />/s/ Raymond S. Andrysiak <br />/s/ Frank J. Bruggner <br />Board of Public Works and Safety <br />Attest: <br />/s/ Anthony J. Sabo <br />Clerk, Board of Public Works and Safety <br />CERTIFICATE OF CLERK <br />OF <br />BOARD OF PUBLIC WORKS AND SAFETY <br />I, Anthony J. Sabo, the duly appointed, qualified and acting Clerk of the Board of Public Works and <br />0 <br />