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REGULAR MEETING AUGUST 27, 1973 <br />ICOMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE MEETING (CONTINUED) <br />were used in the office, and Mr. Steed indicated that he had three typewriters. Council President <br />Nemeth asked if a service contract of $50 was held on each of the typewriters, and Mr. Steed <br />indicated that he did not think the service contract was more than $50 for each machine. Miss <br />Guthrie asked about the number of cars furnished to the department, and Mr. Steed indicated that he <br />had three cars, all being 1971 compact models. Mrs. Allen questioned the dog problem and if it wa: <br />being handled through the Sub - Standard Building Department. Mr. Gallagher indicated that he had <br />requested Mr. Steed's supervision only in that particular instance. <br />(Councilman Kopczynski made a motion that the Council take a recess, seconded by Councilman Taylor. <br />The motion carried, and the Council recessed at 10:30 p.m. Reconvened at 12:00 a.m. <br />PARK DEPARTMENT - MAINTENANCE <br />Council President Nemeth indicated that the Council proposed that certain accounts be cut as <br />follows: <br />Account 110 ................. $ 8,850 <br />Account 120 ................. 33,332 <br />Account 130 ................. 1,000 <br />Account <br />213 <br />................. <br />200 <br />Account <br />214 <br />................. <br />800 <br />Account <br />215 <br />................. <br />50 <br />Account <br />221 <br />................. <br />15,000 <br />Account <br />251 <br />................. <br />3,000 <br />Account <br />252 <br />................. <br />5,500 <br />Account <br />312 <br />................. <br />3,000 <br />Account <br />321 <br />................. <br />6,000 <br />Account <br />322 <br />................. <br />300 <br />Account <br />323 <br />................ o <br />75 <br />Account <br />324 <br />................. <br />300 <br />Account <br />362 <br />................. <br />90 <br />Account <br />370 <br />................. <br />200 <br />Account <br />371 <br />................. <br />100 <br />Account <br />430 <br />................. <br />300 <br />Account <br />442 <br />................. <br />300 <br />Account <br />540 <br />................. <br />300 <br />Account <br />620 <br />................. <br />900 <br />Account <br />630 <br />................. <br />1,200 <br />Account <br />640 <br />................. <br />400 <br />Account <br />722 <br />................. <br />2,400 <br />Account <br />726 <br />................. <br />4,100 <br />Council President Nemeth asked if, in Account 224, anything had been spent or encumbered, and Mr. <br />James Seitz, Director of the Department of Public Parks, indicated that the water bill was paid <br />once a year and cost $7,500 and had not been paid as yet. Mr. Seitz stated that the 1974 budget <br />was up $129,000; however, it had been submitted because the department had tried to be reasonable <br />and keep in mind the budget problems of the City of South Bend. He stated that he had not tried <br />to ".pad" anything and that his department would try to operate as best as possible with the cuts <br />the Council had proposed. Miss Guthrie asked why there had been an increase in the social <br />security. Mr. Seitz indicated that the base rate had gone up and additional employees were hired. <br />DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS - STREET <br />Council President Nemeth indicated that the Council proposed that certain accounts be cut as <br />follows: <br />Account 120 ................. $21,153 <br />Account 213 ................. 500 <br />Account 370 2,000 <br />Account 722 ................. 5,000 <br />Miss Guthrie asked about the motor equipment being so high. Council President Nemeth indicated <br />that the Council was trying to make true cuts and was not trying to refurbish through revenue <br />sharing funds. Councilman Kopczynski asked if Mr. Decker would be able to live with the cut of <br />three positions of Skilled Laborer I and if it would affect his operation. Mr. Donald Decker, <br />Manager of the Bureau of Streets, indicated that his department was undermanned. He stated that <br />he must also take into account the discontinuance of the Emergency Employment Act Program. He <br />indicated that he would just have to live with the cuts the Council proposed. He explained that <br />his EEA personnel were in the truck driver classification. Councilman Horvath stated that Mr. <br />Decker had employed 90 persons in 1973. He asked if that figure included the EEA people, and Mr. <br />Decker indicated that it did not and that he had 14 EEA employees. Councilman Kopczynski asked if <br />the street programs would suffer because of the lack of the three positions, and Mr. Decker felt <br />that, if the programs suffered, it would be in the area of general maintenance. Chairman Newburn <br />asked about the number of men on the trucks, and Mr. Decker indicated that, normally, there are <br />three men on a patch crew and, at all other times, there is usually one man to a truck. <br />SAFETY DEPARTMENT - POLICE PENSION <br />Council President Nemeth indicated that the Council proposed that certain accounts be cut as <br />follows: <br />Account 212 ................... $100 <br />Account 213 ................... 100 <br />Account 362 ................... 50 <br />SAFETY DEPARTMENT - FIREMEN'S PENSION <br />Council President Nemeth indicated that the Council proposed that certain accounts be cut as <br />follows: <br />Account 120 ................... $ 50 <br />Account 212 ................... 100 <br />Account 362 .................. 50 <br />