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AUGUST 27, 133a <br />COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE MEETING (CONTINUED) <br />Captain Rozanski, Secretary of the Firemen's Pension Board, indicated that 210 checks were mailed <br />each payday, and he could not understand why the Council had cut the postage account. After a <br />brief discussion, Council President Nemeth indicated that the Council would leave the amount of <br />$200 in the postage account. It was indicated that the same situation existed with the Police <br />Pension Board. <br />URBAN REDEVELOPMENT <br />Council President Nemeth indicated that the Council proposed that certain accounts be cut as <br />follows: <br />Account 261 ................... $10,000 <br />Account 262 ................... 50,000 <br />Account 710 ................... 20,000 <br />Mr. Charles Lennon, Executive Director of the Department of Redevelopment, indicated that the firs - <br />two items had to do with state law, and hopefully the department would be able to live with the <br />cuts. In reference to Account 710, he explained that $20,000 was put in for emergency housing; <br />however, he indicated that he felt that should come under the Housing Authority. He expressed the <br />hope that the Public Housing Authority would develop some type of emergency housing. Councilman <br />Miller asked about the money needed by the city for matching purposes, and Mr. Lennon indicated <br />that there was no matching involved in that instance. Councilman Miller asked if two relocation <br />officers were needed, and Mr. Lennon indicated that they were. He explained that the case load <br />was very great. Councilman Kopczynski asked if there would be more relocation this year, and Mr. <br />Lennon indicated that the sub - standard homes were, at the present time, being occupied. Councilmai <br />Kopczynski indicated that there was a large increase on postage (up one - third), telephone (up 75 %) <br />gasoline (up 38 %) and other supplies (up 75 %). He questioned the increases. Mr. Lennon explained <br />that, because the inspectors use the cars a great deal, trade -ins are frequent. He indicated that <br />gas would be increased and postage would be increased to 10 cents for first -class mail, and he <br />stated that, under federal law, some of the mail going out from his department must be sent <br />certified or registered mail in order that the signature of the person receiving the mail is for- <br />warded back to the Redevelopment Department. <br />HUMAN RELATIONS COMMISSION <br />Council President Nemeth indicated that the Council proposed that certain accounts be cut as <br />follows: <br />Account 212 .................... $ 300 <br />Account 213 .................... 150 <br />Account 241 .................... 300 <br />Account 550 .................... 100 <br />Account 723 .................... 2,300 <br />Council President Nemeth requested an explanation of Account 361, "Official Records ". Ms. Janice <br />Patton, Director of the Human Relations Commission, explained that that account was used to pay <br />for court reporters whenever public hearings of the commission were scheduled. She indicated <br />that there were two public hearings already scheduled for next month. Councilman Miller asked if <br />the Human Relations Commission prepared an annual report. Ms. Patton indicated that she had <br />attempted to prepare a yearly report fro the year 1972 and she had the material on file in her <br />office. Councilman Miller indicated that the Council wanted to be provided with that information <br />because nothing had been received by the Council before this time regarding the commission's work. <br />Ms. Patton indicated that all the councilmen had been invited to attend the commission's meetings <br />and not one of them have attended. Councilman Miller pointed out that the Council holds its caucu <br />that same evening. Chairman Newburn asked if Ms. Patton needed a car, and Ms. Patton answered tha <br />she had a 1970 Hornet which was assigned to three persons in her division. She stated that the cal. <br />had approximately 15,000 miles on it. She explained that the car has been in the Municipal <br />Service Facility at least twice a month since January. Councilman Kopczynski asked her what kind <br />of car she would want, and Ms. Patton stated that her present car had also been in an accident. <br />Chairman Newburn asked her if she was saying that the car was not suitable for her office, and she <br />indicated that he was correct. Mr. Bognar felt the Council was being wise in cutting the car from <br />the budget. Ms. Patton indicated that, in the work of the commission, the car was constantly bein <br />used, and Mr. Bognar pointed out that the emergency vehicle could not even be purchased. He again <br />repeated that he felt the car should not be included in the budget. <br />Council President Nemeth made a motion to take a recess until 3:30 p.m., August 28, 1973, seconded <br />by Councilman Parent. The motion carried, and the Council recessed at 12:40 p.m. Reconvened at <br />3:37 p.m. <br />Council President Nemeth made a motion to amend the proposed budget as follows: <br />OFFICE OF CONTROLLER (Page 9) <br />Account 212 $10,000 <br />Account 213 .......... 400 <br />Account 230 .......... 500 <br />Account 241 .......... 6,000 <br />Account 262 .......... 2,000 <br />TOTAL SERVICES CONTRACTUAL $ 24,300 <br />Account 362 .......... 12,000 <br />Account 363 .......... 12,000 <br />Account 370 .......... 175 <br />TOTAL SUPPLIES ...................... 24,275 <br />Account 550 .......... 200 <br />TOTAL CURRENT CHARGES ............... 163,800 <br />GRAND TOTAL .... ............................... $730,349 <br />