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COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE MEETING (CONTINUED) <br />MUNICIPAL SERVICES FACILITY <br />Council President Nemeth indicated that the Council proposed that certain accounts be cut as <br />follows: <br />Account 221 <br />Account 223 <br />Account 224 <br />Account 251 <br />Account 321 <br />Account 322 <br />Account 323 <br />Account 324 <br />Account 722 <br />................. $ 3,000 <br />................. 1,000 <br />................. 500 <br />................. 5,000 <br />................. 15,000 <br />................. 3,000 <br />................. 500 <br />................. 10,000 <br />................. 34,100 <br />Mrs. Allen asked about the total of the amended budget. Council President Nemeth indicated that <br />the budget came in at $734,819. Councilman Miller indicated that the amended amount was $662,719. <br />Councilman Kopczynski asked about what was being purchased in Account 723, and Mr. Stanley <br />Przybylinski, Manager of the Municipal Services Facility, explained that the department was trying <br />to replace hoists and related equipment that is very ancient. He indicated that this was a <br />necessity. <br />RADIO DEPARTMENT <br />Council President Nemeth indicated that the Council proposed that certain accounts be cut as <br />follows: <br />Account 110 .... $9,615 <br />Account 213 ................. 250 <br />Council President Nemeth requested an explanation on the $500 appropriated in Account 726. Mr. <br />Gallagher explained that this money would be used in testing equipment for the radio. Mr. John <br />Hunt, Communications Supervisor, explained the reason for the request. Councilman Kopczynski aske <br />what type of equipment was presently being used in the radio shop. He indicated that he wanted a <br />copy of the inventory list. Mr. Hunt indicated that he had written a letter to all the councilmen <br />inviting them to visit him at the shop in order that he could show them and explain to them the <br />functions of his division. He stated that only one councilman had come. Councilman Kopczynski <br />indicated that he had gone to the radio shop several times and had never found Mr. Hunt in at the <br />time. Councilman Kopczynski asked Mr. Hunt about the cars furnished his department. Mr. Hunt <br />explained that he had the use of a 1971 van with an estimated 30,000 miles on it which was used by <br />all the men within the department. He stated that his car was a 1970 Ford Sedan with an estimated <br />81,700 miles on it which was badly in need of repair. He indicated that the car was in need of <br />repair at the present time. <br />HUMAN RESOURCES AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT <br />Council President Nemeth indicated that the Council proposed that certain accounts be cut as <br />follows: <br />Account 213 <br />Account 262 <br />Account 361 <br />Account 363 <br />Account 370 <br />Account 550 <br />Account 721 <br />................. $1,000 <br />................. 1,000 <br />.1 ............... 150 <br />................. 75 <br />................. 400 <br />................. 150 <br />................. 500 <br />Mrs. Allen asked for a figure on the total budget. Council President Nemeth indicated that the <br />budget had come in at $36,500, and Councilman Miller stated that it was now reduced to $33,275. <br />Councilman Parent indicated that the Mayor's Action Line was that budget. Miss Guthri <br />stated that she felt the Mayor's secretary should be receiving a higher salary than the individual <br />operating the Mayor's Action Line. She indicated that she had heard some comments that were un- <br />favorable to the action line. Councilman Parent stated that he felt the action line was doing ver <br />well, and he indicated that he used it a great deal. Council President Nemeth felt the Mayor's <br />Action Line should be given a try. Mrs. Allen stated that she felt the action line was doing a <br />good job; however, she wished to see a separate budget for that operation. Council President <br />Nemeth indicated that the salary for the person heading the action line was $7,200, and the only <br />other expense was for other supplies. Dr. John Kromkowski, Director of the Department of Human <br />.Resources and Economic Development, explained the requests under the Mayor's Action Line. He <br />stated that the total budget for the operation of the action line would be approximately $8,300. <br />Miss Guthrie asked about the increase in travel in the Human Resources budget. Dr. Kromkowski <br />indicated that he has made a number of trips in the past and the areas of travel included contacts <br />in New York, Washington, Chicago and Indianapolis for the purpose of obtaining federal funds for <br />various programs. He indicated that the travel is only the cost of the item, and he projected it <br />would be approximately $2,000. Miss Guthrie asked Dr. Kromkowski if he was furnished an automo- <br />bile, and Dr. Kromkowski indicated that he was. <br />SUB - STANDARD BUILDING DEPARTMENT <br />Council President Nemeth indicated that the Council proposed that certain accounts be cut as <br />follows: <br />Account 213 ............ $500 <br />Account 241 75 <br />Account 363 175 <br />Account 550 .................... 50 <br />Council President Nemeth requested an explanation of Account 252, "Repairs of Equipment ". Mr. <br />Isaiah Steed, Director of the Sub - Standard Building Department, explained that he had office <br />equipment that needed a great deal of repair. Council President Nemeth asked how many typewriters <br />