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RR ULAR MERTTMa AUGUST 27, 1973 <br />COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE MEETING (CONTINUED) <br />and was only a few blocks long. He questioned the need for five mini - bikes. Chief Urban indicates <br />that this had been implemented prior to his becoming chief; however, he indicated that the bikes <br />would not only be used in the downtown mall but in other similar areas throughout the city. <br />Councilman Szymkowiak asked if the mini -bikes that were purchased were similar to the bikes pur- <br />chased by the New York Police Department, and Chief Urban indicated that they were. Councilman <br />Szymkowiak felt the purchase of the bikes was a good investment. Councilman Serge also felt it <br />was a good idea. He indicated that the Minneapolis Mall has been very successful using the same <br />equipment. Miss Guthrie requested the Council to not consider appropriating $40,000 for education <br />incentive pay because it was not being used for the purpose for which it was anticipated. She <br />asked about the number of cars to be purchased. Chief Urban indicated that he had a breakdown for <br />Miss Guthrie regarding the cars. Miss Guthrie asked about the Mayor's car license, and Chief Urbar <br />indicated that it has been a tradition in the past for the Mayor's car license to be paid for out <br />of the 570 account. Miss Guthrie felt that the license should be made a part of the Mayor's budget <br />next year. Councilman Serge indicated that the morale on the Police Department was at a 50/50 <br />basis. He felt that, if the incentive pay was taken away, the morale would drop still lower. Chi( <br />Urban indicated that he was in agreement with Councilman Serge. <br />Council President Nemeth made.a motion to take a recess, seconded by Councilman Kopczynski. The <br />motion carried, and the Council recessed at 9:26 p.m. Reconvened at 9:45 p.m. <br />SAFETY DEPARTMENT - FIRE <br />Council President Nemeth indicated that the Council proposed that certain accounts be cut as <br />follows: <br />Account 110 ................ $7,512 <br />Account 120 ................ 6,675 <br />Account <br />213 <br />................ <br />400 <br />Account <br />222 <br />................ <br />1,480 <br />Account <br />224 <br />................ <br />535 <br />Account <br />331 <br />................ <br />800 <br />Account <br />370 <br />................ <br />100 <br />Account <br />723 <br />................ <br />100 <br />Account <br />721 <br />................ <br />300 <br />Account <br />724 <br />................ <br />4,000 <br />Account <br />726 <br />................ <br />2,000 <br />Miss Guthrie asked about other equipment, and Fire Chief Bland indicated that the department was <br />in need of two typewriters and some equipment for the trucks. He indicated that foam was also <br />needed for fire fighting. Miss. Guthrie asked about the motor equipment, and Chief Bland indicated <br />that this would take care of the replacement of three sedans and one 1 -ton truck. He indicated <br />that, at present, the department is licensing 24 vehicles. Council President Nemeth asked about <br />the sedans, wondering if perhaps smaller cars could be used. Fire Chief Bland indicated that that <br />route had not been taken; however, it was worth considering. He did state; however, that the <br />specifications would still have to be met. Councilman Miller asked about the purchase of a rescue <br />truck, and Chief Bland indicated that it was not being considered at this time as he felt the seda <br />and truck were a higher priority. He stated that the truck would have mounted equipment which <br />could be used in such places as the mall where another fire truck would not be adequate. Council- <br />man Horvath asked if the equipment was included in the purchase price, and Chief Bland indicated <br />that the equipment had to be scheduled under the "Other Equipment" account. Councilman Horvath <br />stated that, if that was the case, the truck alone would cost $7,000, and Chief Bland indicated <br />that he was correct. Councilman Kopczynski asked about the colors of the other cars within the <br />department, and Chief Bland indicated that all the cars are marked; however, his car was blue and <br />not red like the other cars. Miss Guthrie indicated that operation and maintenance of the down- <br />town mall was entering into various city departmental budgets, and Council President Nemeth stated <br />that the Council was just being made aware of that fact also. Chief Bland indicated that the true <br />to be purchased would be moved around the city and would not be confined to the downtown mall. <br />Councilman Serge asked if the firemen were working on the truck, and Chief Bland indicated that th <br />department was working on the internal parts. Council President Nemeth asked about the rescue <br />truck and its purpose. Chief Bland indicated that this truck was run to every fire in the City of <br />South Bend and special emergencies that the department is called to. He stated that it was not th <br />type of truck to take that kind of abuse. Councilman Miller indicated that he would like to see <br />that some equipment be purchased in that regard. Councilman Szymkowiak asked about the number of <br />firemen, and Chief Bland indicated that 15 men were being processed at the present time. <br />WEIGHTS AND MEASURES <br />Council President Nemeth indicated that the Council had no proposed cuts in that department. <br />STUDEBAKER HISTORICAL <br />Council President Nemeth indicated that the Council proposed that certain accounts be cut as <br />follows: <br />Account 251 ................. $1,000 <br />Account 252 ................. 2,000 <br />Account 430 ................. 300 <br />Miss Guthrie asked about the increase in travel, and Councilman Szymkowiak explained that, when a <br />person donates a car to the museum, the car has to be picked up. <br />TRAFFIC DEPARTMENT <br />Council President Nemeth indicated that the Council proposed that certain accounts be cut as <br />follows: <br />Account 261.3 ............... $ 200 <br />Account 440 ................. 1,000 <br />Account 726 ................. 1,000 <br />