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COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE MEETING (CONTINUED) <br />ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT <br />Council President Nemeth indicated that the Council had no proposed cuts in that department. Miss <br />Guthrie asked about other equipment, and Mr. Rollin Farrand, Director of the Department of Public <br />Works, explained that.that money was to be used for the purchase of a typewriter. Councilman <br />Kopczynski asked about the number of cars in the Engineering Department and who they were assigned <br />to. Mr. Farrand indicated that he had 10 vehicles; however, he was not prepared to inform the <br />Council on who they were assigned to. Councilman Kopczynski indicated that the Council desired <br />that information. Mr. Farrand indicated that he did not have enough cars to go around. Mr. Paul <br />Bognar, 805 West Washington Street, asked if all 10 vehicles were in the Engineering Department, <br />and Mr. Farrand indicated that they were. <br />BUILDING DEPARTMENT <br />Council President Nemeth indicated that the Council proposed that certain accounts be cut as <br />follows: <br />Account 213 ................. $1,000 <br />Account 252 ................. 50 <br />Miss Guthrie asked about other equipment, and Council President Nemeth indicated that the depart- <br />ment was in need of a new typewriter. Mr. Forrest West, Director of the Building Department, <br />indicated that the present typewriter was more than nine years old. Miss Guthrie asked how many <br />cars were in the Building Department, and Mr. West indicated that he presently had 18 cars. Miss <br />Guthrie indicated that only 16 people were employed in the department. Mr. West indicated that 3 <br />of the cars were transferred to the Substandard Division. Councilman Kopczynski stated that, if <br />that was the case, Mr. West would have 15 cars in his department. Mr. West indicated that the <br />department was not using all those cars. Councilman Kopczynski felt the secretaries and mainten- <br />ance man did not need a car, and Mr. West indicated that he needed 13 cars. He explained that the <br />other 2 cars were out on loan to the Engineering Department. Mr. Farrand indicated that 3 of the <br />cars he had in his department were from Mr. West's department. Council President Nemeth asked how <br />many cars out of 15 went to the Engineering Department. Mr. West indicated that, originally, his <br />department had 19 cars and 1 car had been totalled in an accident. Councilman Parent asked Mr. <br />West if he needed 12 cars, and Mr. West indicated that he needed 13 cars because there were 13 <br />persons in the department that needed the cars. He stated that he was not counting the secretary <br />and the maintenance man. Councilman Miller asked about pooling the cars, and Mr. West indicated <br />that this was not feasible. Councilman Miller asked about the cars to be traded in next year, and <br />Mr. West indicated that he had prepared a list and it had been submitted to the Board of Public <br />Works. Councilman Kopczynski asked Mr. West to read the last three numbers of the serial number <br />on the cars to be traded in, and Mr. West stated that there were seven cars with the following <br />serial numbers: 040, 041, 042, 853, 747, 045 and 050. He indicated that the cars range from 1968 <br />models to 1970 models and have mileage of 19,000 miles to 48,000. Mr. West briefly talked about <br />the trading in of the department's cars. Mr. Farrand indicated that Mr. Richardson, past Director <br />of the Department of Public Works, had processed these items and he had a total of four cars in <br />Mr. West's budget. <br />CITY CEMETERIES <br />Council President Nemeth indicated that the Council had no proposed cuts in that department. <br />SAFETY DEPARTMENT - POLICE <br />Council President Nemeth indicated that the Council proposed that certain accounts be cut as <br />follows: <br />Account <br />110 <br />................ <br />$ 5,200 <br />Account <br />120 <br />................ <br />3,875 <br />Account <br />213 <br />................ <br />500 <br />Account <br />230 <br />................ <br />1,000 <br />Account <br />252 <br />................ <br />2,000 <br />Account <br />265 <br />................ <br />9,000 <br />Account <br />323 <br />................ <br />720 <br />Account <br />361 <br />................ <br />500 <br />Account <br />370 <br />................ <br />500 <br />Account <br />530 <br />................ <br />6,000 <br />Account <br />540 <br />................ <br />10,000 <br />Account <br />550 <br />................ <br />50 <br />Account <br />722 <br />................ <br />10,000 <br />Account <br />724 <br />................ <br />4,750 <br />Account <br />725 <br />................ <br />1,750 <br />Account <br />726 <br />................ <br />1,000 <br />Council President Nemeth indicated that the Council requested an explanation regarding Account 570 <br />"Licenses ". Police Chief Urban indicated that, under Account P -11, there was a proposed re- <br />arrangement of classifications, etc. He indicated that the department has 246 men listed for 1974 <br />with 10 men appropriated in the Board of Public Safety. Council President Nemeth asked about <br />cutting one or two recruits, and Chief.Urban indicated that this was needed in order to bring the <br />complex up to 264 men. Councilman Kopczynski made a motion that, under Account 120, the words <br />"does not include education incentive pay" be inserted. Motion lost due to lack of a second. <br />Chief Urban gave a breakdown on the men and positions within the department. Councilman Kopczynsk: <br />asked about the number of vehicles to be purchased in 1974. Chief Urban indicated that 90 vehicle: <br />would have to be licensed and there would be a change over of 46 units. Councilman Kopczynski ask( <br />about the number of motorcycles to be licensed, and Chief Urban indicated that there would be in <br />the vicinity of 35 bikes to be licensed. He pointed out that five mini -bikes would be used in the <br />downtown mall area. Mr. David Sypniewski, Fiscal Officer in the Police Department, indicated that <br />the department was requesting additional money because, in the past when vehicles were totally <br />demolished, a new vehicle had to be licensed. Mrs. Allen felt that five mini -bikes would not add <br />any enhancement to the new downtown mall. Chief Urban indicated that there would be foot patrols; <br />however, at certain hours, maximum security would be needed. He indicated that these bikes were <br />purchased out of the 1972 budget. Mr. Sypniewski gave a brief explanation regarding the mini - <br />bikes. Councilman Horvath indicated that the mall would not even be finished for quite some time <br />