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REGULAR MEETING APRIL 12, 1976 <br />REGULAR MEETING - RECONVENED <br />UNFINISHED BUSINESS <br />Council President Parent said the Council had received a response from Mr. Brunner in regard to <br />Mr. Robert Swanson's question about alleged violations of City code in the County Welfare Office <br />He said this was being investigated by the Building Department. <br />NEW BUSINESS <br />Sale of City Owned Real Estate - 1219 -1221 S. LaFayette; 1316 Liston Street; 1224 W. Washington; <br />922 E. Calvert. Council Member Horvath made a motion the City go ahead with the sale, seconded <br />by Council Member Dombrowski. The motion carried. <br />Change of date for next regularly scheduled meeting of the Common Council, to April 27, 1976, <br />at 7:30 p.m. Council Member Dombrowski made a motion to change the meeting, seconded by Council <br />Member Horvath. The motion carried. <br />Council Member Taylor made a motion to suspend the rules in order to hear a resolution being sub- <br />mitted by the Human Resources Department, seconded by Council Member Miller. The motion carried <br />by a roll call vote of nine ayes (Council Members Serge, Szymkowiak, Miller, Taylor, Kopczynski, <br />Adams, Dombrowski, Horvath and Parent). <br />RESOLUTION NO. 517 -76 <br />A RESOLUTION OF THE COMMON COUNCIL OF THE <br />CITY OF SOUTH BEND, INDIANA, AUTHORIZING <br />THE-MAYOR TO SUBMIT TO THE UNITED STATES <br />GOVERNMENT, DEPARTMENT OF LABOR, A PRE - <br />APPLICATION FOR FUNDS UNDER THE COMPREHENSIVE <br />EMPLOYMENT AND TRAINING ACT OF 1973 (CETA). <br />WHEREAS, the Mayor of the City of South Bend is the Chief Executive Officer of the City, a <br />WHEREAS, the City of South Bend wishes to apply for funds under the Comprehensive Employment <br />and Training Act of 1973 <br />NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Common Council of the City of South Bend, Indiana: <br />SECTION I. Hereby authorizes the Mayor of the;City of South Bend to submit an application, <br />including all understandings and assurances contained therein, to the United States Government, <br />Department of Labor, for funds under the Comprehensive Employment and Training Act of 1973. <br />SECTION II. The Mayor shall submit to the Common Council a line item budget in ordinance <br />form prior to any expenditures of such grant money received upon approval of this application. <br />SECTION III. The Mayor of the City of South Bend is further directed and authorized to <br />act in connection with such application and to provide such additional information as may be <br />required by the Department of Labor. <br />SECTION IV. This resolution shall be in full force and effect from and after its adoption <br />by the Common Council and approval by the Mayor. <br />s/ Roger 0. Parent <br />Member of the Common Council <br />A public hearing was held at this time on the resolution. Mr. William Gilkey, Director of Human <br />Resources and Economic Development, said this money would be used for education and training <br />of citizens in the community through Titles 1, 2, and 6, and also public service employment <br />through the Title 6 Program. He said it also provides for the >sub - grants with social agencies <br />in the city and the money will be used for this, plus administration of the program. Mr. March - <br />mont Kovas, of the South Bend Tribune, asked how much money was involved. Mr. Gilkey said they <br />would not know this until Congress decided on the allowance. Council Member Szymkowiak made a <br />motion this resolution be adopted, seconded by Council Member Serge. Council Member Adams made <br />a motion to amend the resolution by adding a new Section II to read "The Mayor shall submit to <br />the Common Council a line item budget in ordinance form prior to any expenditure of such grant <br />money received upon approval of this application. ", seconded by Council Member Dombrowski. The <br />motion carried. Council Member Miller asked Mr. Gilkey if they had a copy of the application. <br />Mr. Gilkey said they will submit a letter by the 15th, and then the application will be made. <br />He said the Council would have an opportunity to peruse the application. Council Member Kopczyn <br />made a motion this resolution be adopted, as amended, seconded by Council Member Szymkowiak. Th <br />motion carried by a roll call vote of nine ayes (Council Members Serge, Szymkowiak, Miller, Tayl <br />Kopczynski, Adams, Dombrowski, Horvath and Parent). <br />Council Member Kopczynski said from time to time he has asked the city engineer about monies <br />appropriated for the engineering of Sample Street, widening and other projects connected with <br />it. He said he remembered there was money appropriated from time to time. He said he would lik <br />to get from the city engineer the amount of money appropriated by the Council for engineering wo <br />and any other appropriated money for the Sample Street project from Michigan Street to Olive Str <br />He said he would like to have a copy of any preliminary plans that was done by the Engineer De- <br />partment in house, or contracted to outside firms. He said he would like to have an answer by <br />the next regularly scheduled Council meeting, and refer this matter to the Administration and <br />Finance Committee so it can audit the money as it was appropriated andchspensed with. He told <br />the city engineer he had asked for this before and he had not received a reply. He said he thou <br />the matter should be looked into. Mr. Rollin Farrand, City Engineer, said that a report on this <br />project was in his office, and it had been completed for a couple of weeks, but he failed to get <br />it to the Council. <br />ki <br />r, <br />et. <br />ht <br />