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REGULAR MEETING AUGUST 11, 1975 <br />REGULAR MEETING - RECONVENED (CONTINUED) <br />downtown merchants, and he stated that they were discouraged and were moving out. He felt the <br />Civic Center would be what the city needed to help rejuvinate the downtown area. He talked about <br />the various items that would be included in the construction of the Civic Center. He indicated <br />that the Civic Center had received small amounts from over 5,000 donors in addition to the larger <br />contributions. He felt the Civic Center Fund Drive would be successful. Mr. Toal indicated that <br />the total drive thus far had reached $3,627,000. He indicated that any project or fund drive was <br />more than just figures. He talked about the volunteers that would be needed to recruit and make <br />calls for contributions. He indicated that the project was not only for the rich. He felt the <br />Bucks for Bricks Program had been successful and around $5,200 had been collected. Those persons <br />had not been called upon for a donation, and he felt this was a good sign. Mr. Frank Slaby, <br />725 South Dundee, was hopeful that the Civic Center in four years would not have the same problems <br />that had been experienced with the County -City Building and its maintenance. He felt the location <br />posed a greater problem in the area of hydraulics. <br />Councilman Kopczynski made a motion that the resolution be unanimously adopted, seconded by <br />Councilman Newburn. Councilman Horvath asked if the amount of $1.4 million was being requested <br />by the Council from next year's revenue sharing funds. He wondered if the city's budget would <br />suffer because this amount of money would have to be committed. He wondered where the city would <br />receive its money for motor equipment, which was needed. Mr. McMahon indicated that he was <br />requesting the Council's commitment of additional revenue sharing funds. He indicated that it <br />was felt the $1.4 million commitment could be reduced. Councilman Serge wondered about the percen• <br />tage of loss concerning the fund drive, and Mr. McMahon indicated that the figure for the Civic <br />Center Fund Drive was estimated at 50. Councilman Serge indicated that, if the fund drive was <br />very successful, the commitment of revenue sharing funds from the city could be reduced. Mr. <br />McMahon indicated that any money received after this point in time would be directed toward off- <br />setting the commitment of the revenue sharing funds. Councilman Serge wondered about the city's <br />share owed to HUD. Mr. Rollin Farrand, Director of the Department of Public Works, indicated that <br />the city was required to match one -third of the downtown project. He indicated that the total <br />grants were $11,816,387. The amount of $3,769,493 would be the city's share owed to HUD under the <br />downtown project. Councilman Serge wondered if the estimate of $700,000 for maintenance of the <br />building as stated by Mr. Everitt previously was somewhat exaggerated. Mr. McMahon stated that <br />that figure was only a preliminary figure and would probably be reduced. Councilman Newburn felt <br />that, if the city showed apprehension toward the Civic Center, the citizens would likewise show <br />fear and the project would fail. He hoped there could be a positive attitude toward its construc- <br />tion. Councilman Taylor wondered how much of the cost of the Civic Center would be coming from cii <br />and federal funds, and Mr. McMahon indicated that that figure was approximately two - thirds or $8 <br />million. Councilman Taylor stated that he did not feel the Civic Center was a "life or death matt4 <br />to the community ". He did not feel the Civic Center would save downtown retail. He indicated <br />that he hated to see people imply that the Civic Center would save the downtown retail. He stated <br />that he had wanted the project to stay within the $8 million to $10 million range. He stated that <br />he was hesitant and had extreme reservations concerning the tie -up of $1.4 million in revenue <br />sharing funds. He indicated that a vote to adopt the resolution by him would not necessarily mean <br />that he would not vote, at budget time, against the appropriation of $1.4 million. Councilman <br />Szymkowiak felt Councilman Taylor should not have voted to start the project if he had felt that <br />way about the $1.4 million in revenue sharing funds. He indicated that he agreed with Mr. Goheen <br />and "to make money, you must spend money ". He felt the Civic Center was a good investment for the <br />city. Councilman Kopczynski indicated that he felt it was time now,for the Council to act on his <br />motion to adopt the resolution. The resolution was adopted by a roll call vote of eight ayes' <br />(Councilmen Serge, Szymkowiak, Miller, Taylor, Kopczynski, Horvath, Nemeth and Newburn) with <br />Councilman Parent absent. Councilman Horvath indicated that his vote of "aye" did not mean that hE <br />would make the commitment of $1.4 million in revenue sharing funds. <br />RESOLUTION NO. 493 -75 A RESOLUTION APPROVING THE FORM AND TERMS <br />OF A LEASE BETWEEN THE SOUTH BEND CIVIC <br />CENTER BUILDING AUTHORITY AND THE CITY <br />OF SOUTH BEND, INDIANA, PERTAINING TO THE <br />SOUTH BEND CIVIC CENTER. <br />WHEREAS, the South Bend Civic Center Building Authority has been created under <br />and in pursuance to the provisions of Public Law 220 of the Indiana General Assembly <br />for the year 1975 and all acts amendatory thereof or supplemental thereto (hereinafter <br />referred to as the "Authority ") for the purpose of financing, acquiring, constructing, <br />equipping and leasing to the City of South Bend, Indiana (hereinafter referred to as <br />the "City "), land and a building or buildings for civic purposes (hereinafter referred <br />to as the "Civic Center "); and <br />WHEREAS, it is desired to construct the Civic Center on land hereinafter <br />described; and <br />WHEREAS, plans and drawings bearing dates between June 1, 1975, and August 4, <br />1975, and specifications bearing dates between June 1, 1975, and August 4, 1975, <br />together with Addenda Numbered 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 (all of which is marked "Exhibit A <br />submitted herewith and made a part hereof) for the construction of the Civic Center, <br />have been prepared by Johnson /Burgee, Architects of New York, N.Y., which plans and <br />specifications have been adopted by the Authority and approved by the Mayor and Common <br />Council of the City, the State Board of Health, the State Fire Marshal and all other <br />agencies designated by law to pass upon plans and specifications for public buildings; <br />and <br />WHEREAS, the City and the Authority have submitted to the Common Council of the <br />City a form of lease marked "Exhibit B" attached hereto and made a part hereof providing <br />for lease to the Authority of the real estate in St. Joseph County, State of Indiana, <br />described in "Exhibit A" attached to said form of lease for a term of twenty -five (25) <br />years for rental in the aggregate sum of One ($1.00) Dollar for the entire term; and <br />WHEREAS said form of lease further provides that upon completion by the Authority, <br />the Civic Center shall be leased to the City for a term of twenty -five (25) years for <br />rental at the rate of $456,000.00 per year payable in semi - annual installments on the <br />28th day of June and the 28th day of December each year of the term of said lease; and <br />