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REGULAR MEETING AUGUST 11, 1975 <br />REGULAR MEETING - RECONVENED (CONTINUED) <br />a roll call vote of six ayes (Councilmen Serge, Miller, Taylor, Horvath, Nemeth and Newburn) and <br />two nays (Councilmen Szymkowiak and Kopczynski) with Councilman Parent absent. <br />RESOLUTIONS <br />RESOLUTION NO. 492 -75 <br />A RESOLUTION APPROVING PLANS, SPECIFICATIONS <br />AND ESTIMATES OF COST FOR THE SOUTH BEND <br />CIVIC CENTER. <br />WHEREAS, the South Bend Civic Center Building Authority has been created under <br />and in pursuance to the provisions of Public Law 220 of the Indiana General Assembly <br />for the year 1975 and all acts amendatory thereof or supplemental thereto (hereinafter <br />referred to as the "Authority ") for the purpose of financing, acquiring, constructing, <br />equipping and leasing to the City of South Bend, Indiana (hereinafter referred to as <br />the "City "), land and a building or buildings, for civic purposes; and <br />WHEREAS, the City has requested the Authority to construct and equip facilities <br />to be used as a civic center (which facility will hereinafter be called the "Civic <br />Center ") and, to that end, has requested that plans, drawings, specifications, and <br />estimates of cost for such Civic Center be prepared; and <br />WHEREAS, approval of said plans, drawings and specifications by the State Board <br />of Health, the State Fire Marshal and all other agencies designated by law to pass <br />upon plans and specifications for public buildings has been received by the city. <br />NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Common Council of the City of South Bend, <br />Indiana, that: <br />SECTION I. Plans and drawings bearing dates between June 1, 1975, and August 4, <br />1975, and specifications bearing dates between June 1, 1975, and August 4, 1975, <br />together with Addenda Numbered 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 (all of which is marked "Exhibit A" <br />submitted herewith and made a part hereof) for the construction of the Civic Center, <br />have been prepared by Johnson /Burgee, Architects of New York, N.Y., and have been <br />submitted to and are hereby approved by the Mayor and the Common Council of the <br />City. <br />SECTION II. The total cost of the Civic Center, including but not limited to <br />the cost of construction and equipment is estimated to be Twelve Million Seven Hundred <br />Twenty -five Thousand Sixty -four Dollars ($12,725,064.00), and the cost of construction <br />of that portion of the Civic Center to be constructed by the City of South Bend is <br />estimated to be Seven Million Seven Hundred Eighty -one Thousand Eight Hundred Sixty - <br />two Dollars ($7,781,862.00), and the cost of construction of that portion of the <br />Civic Center to be constructed by the Authority is estimated to be Four Million Nine <br />Hundred Forty -three Thousand Two Hundred and Two Dollars ($4,943,202.00). <br />SECTION III. This resolution shall be in full force and effect from and after <br />its passage by the Common Council and endorsed approval by the Mayor, which endorsement <br />by the Mayor shall constitute approval of the plans, drawings, specifications and <br />estimates of cost. <br />s/ Terry S. Miller <br />Member of the Common Council <br />A public hearing was held at this time on the resolution. Mr. Patrick McMahon, Manager of the <br />Bureau of Public Construction, presented information to the Council concerning the bid summary. <br />He indicated that the resolution would approve the plans, specifications and estimates of cost <br />for the Civic Center. The plans and specifications have been placed on file with the City Clerk <br />and the Engineer's Office. The plans and specifications have been reviewed by the Administrative <br />Building Council and the Fire Marshal's Office, etc. for approval of certain aspects of the <br />project. He indicated that the tabulation showed the amount of $10,761,849 which was within the <br />estimate made. Mr. McMahon referred to the bid summary. He indicated that a financial summary <br />had been submitted and the estimated project costs were listed. He stated that the city's share <br />of the cost would be $7,781,862 and the Building Authority's share would be $4,943,202. An addi- <br />tional charge to the city would be assessed for hookup to electricity by I& M in the amount of <br />$43,605. This would bring the city's total share to $7,825,467. The Economic Development <br />Authority has granted the city funds to be used on the project, according to Mr. McMahon. He <br />stated that money would be used from the Cumulative Capital Improvement Fund in the amount of <br />$500,000 from an issue which would be used in servicing the upcoming bond issue. Approximately <br />$1,790,624 will have been available in revenue sharing funds toward offsetting the building costs. <br />Supplemental revenue sharing in the amount of $1,461,184` would be requested, and he asked for a <br />commitment by the Council to do this with the adoption of the resolution. He indicated that this <br />amount might be lessened after the fund drive which was estimated at $3,359,194 from firm pledges <br />only. Approximately $1,350,000 would be coming in for a period after construction and would have <br />to be financed on an interim basis by receipt. The estimated revenues were based upon figures <br />furnished through the bond consultant based at a six and one -half percent rate once the bonds were <br />sold. He stated that the sale probably would take place on or around October 1, 1975. Approxi- <br />mately $5,600,000 would be brought in with the bond sale. The interest to be earned would be in <br />the area of $340,113 based on a 30 -day note at six percent. <br />Mr. Gene Evans, Executive Secretary of the Civic Planning Association, felt there were many <br />questions of people in the community concerning the project. He indicated that, at one time, an <br />$11 million Civic Center had been discussed; then it was $15 million. He stated that now the <br />figure was $13.6 million. He felt there was not very much contingency in the fund, and he was con <br />cerned about this. Mr. McMahon indicated that the bids have been received which total $10,761,849 <br />This would leave approximately $140,000 in contingencies. He stated that he hoped another $150,00 <br />of contingencies would be added with the change orders. Mr. Evans wondered if everything was unde <br />bid, and Mr. McMahon indicated that everything was except for three small changes which could be <br />taken care of in the change orders rather than rebidding the items. He introduced Mr. Roland <br />Goheen, member of the Civic Center Authority, and Mr. Michael Toal, Director of the fund drive.. <br />Mr. Goheen felt the city needed the Civic Center in order to bring it back. He talked about the <br />