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Mayor Luecke confirmed that he sits on the state commission study efficiency. They <br /> have focused on such items as the township system, noting that many township officials work <br /> out of their homes. Additional costs may be involved when"human costs" are reviewed. It is a <br /> complicated issue which needs flexibility, local decision-making, consistency, fairness and <br /> constituent participation. If these factors are not involved he believes that trust will be undercut. <br /> Commissioner Bodle noted that the mind-set is changing citing that communications in <br /> the fire area. <br /> The Council Attorney noted that another example of cooperation between Mishawaka, <br /> South Bend and the county is the anti-terrorism committees which have resulted in positive <br /> results for each governmental entity, including the sharing of homeland security funds. <br /> State Representative Dvorak stated that he believes that assessors have been fair, <br /> especially when you see the number of appeals which have been filed. He welcomed any ideas <br /> and encouraged that there be more meetings of this type and that delegations come down to <br /> Indianapolis. <br /> Commissioner Bodle noted that poor relief laws are antiquated. She, County Council <br /> President Morton and the Council Attorney each voiced concerns of the current state law being <br /> overly broad which leads to inconsistency and unfairness among the townships. <br /> Council Member Kuspa noted that he has many 80-90 year old residents facing gigantic <br /> tax bills,many of which are widow or widowers. He urged that something be done to help them <br /> at the state level. <br /> In response to a question from County Council President Morton, State Representative <br /> Dvorak stated that the Indiana Supreme Court did not allow a phase in process for real estate <br /> taxes. He added that there has been a huge costs to counties to implement the new process. <br /> County Council President Morton noted that the bigger issue now is where do we go <br /> from here. Is there something that really is going to be done at the state level. <br /> Commissioner Dobson stressed that South Bend real estate is not selling, and that will <br /> result in a real problem for continued development of South Bend. <br /> State Representative Dvorak noted that the blame game has gone on, but people need to <br /> come together and have a"unified understanding". <br /> City Attorney Charles Leone stated that the city is working with the TACT Legislative <br /> Committee. He noted that there is a "burden of supporting all of the not-for-profits in the city, <br /> but there is also a benefit". Not-for-profits provide a source of good paying jobs, however they <br /> sit on alot of no-taxable properties,and this needs to be addressed. <br /> State Representative Dvorak noted that often developers would rather plow up more corn <br /> fields than locate in the city. <br /> • <br /> Informal Meeting of the South Bend Common Council November 5,2004—Page 4 <br />