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Mayor Luecke noted that development and job growth have been points of emphasis for <br /> the city,and that they have had inside/outside strategies. <br /> Council Member Kirsits noted that he is aware of an individual who purchasing <br /> properties in the city, rehabs them and then sells them. However, in light of the current real <br /> estate situation,he may have to go into new construction instead. <br /> State Representative-Elect Warlorski stated that people are very open to ideas, since <br /> revenue is needed and areas need to be broadened with the focus being not just the property <br /> owners. <br /> Mayor Luecke noted that the Commission on which he sits is a 2-year Commission. <br /> Council President White then asked if there were any other issues which should be <br /> discussed. <br /> Council Member Kelly raised the issue of school funding, especially in light of all-day <br /> kindergarten which he supports. He noted that he sits on the South Bend Education Foundation <br /> and that successful results are emanating from programs at Lafayette and Hay schools. <br /> Commissioner Dobson noted that many teachers do not see all day kindergarten as a <br /> benefit. <br /> Council Member Puzzello noted that the last two (2) years of her teaching career were <br /> spent as a teacher of English as a 2nd language. She noted that that program is very beneficial, <br /> as well as the benefits of all-day kindergarten. <br /> State Representative-Elect Warlorski noted that ISEP programs need to be reviewed, <br /> since our citizens need to be prepared to compete in a global economy. Questions of how to pay <br /> for all-day kindergarten; the current state debt; and how do we fairly fix the system are all <br /> critical issues. <br /> Commissioner Bodle suggested that exemptions for the elderly also need to be addressed, <br /> especially those on fixed incomes. <br /> Council Member Kuspa suggested that a summary of how properties have been affected <br /> along with pictures would be helpful. <br /> Commissioner Bodle stated that the County Engineering Department is currently working <br /> on such a system. <br /> Council Member Kirsits inquired about the sewer districts. <br /> Commissioner Dobson stated that they are addressing areas with environmental problems <br /> such as those in Wyatt where there was raw sewage, and then will be expanded to problematic <br /> areas in the county. <br /> Council Member Kelly inquired about current septic regulations in the county. <br /> Informal Meeting of the South Bend Common Council November 5,2004---Page 5 <br />