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Commissioner Dobson stated that every neighborhood is "getting in over their heads" <br /> since many purchased more expensive homes in light of low mortgage rates. <br /> Commissioner Bodle noted that many mortgage companies encouraged maximum <br /> amounts of loans and then the property owners got hit with high taxes. <br /> Council Member Puzzello noted that there is a perceived unfairness with the current <br /> system. She suggested that the state legislature look at a system similar to that used for motor <br /> vehicles--newer the car more taxes you pay. She noted that there is a terrible burden on inner <br /> cities which may result in less maintenance being done. <br /> Mayor Luecke congratulated State Representative-Elect Warlorski on her election win <br /> and state that he looks forward to working with her. He noted that he works closely with Indiana <br /> Cities and Towns (IACT). He noted that flexibility allows fairness in a system, and that <br /> currently taxes are a burden and not spread fairly. There has been a shift from businesses <br /> agriculture to residential real estate. He noted that the former system was unfair to businesses <br /> and that was the reason for the court order. He stated that as we look to the future we need to <br /> look at the big picture. Tax abatement and tax incremental financing have been tools for <br /> municipalities which have been used to create jobs. Perhaps tax abatement should be changed to <br /> be called a tax phase-in system. He stated that both of these tools should remain and that the <br /> cities need to be aggressive in light of the sunset provisions currently in place in the state law. <br /> State Representative Dvorak stated that he is at the "gathering ideas stage". Ideas of <br /> consolidating functions and the inconsistency of the process have been raised to date. He noted <br /> that different counties have different needs. <br /> Commissioner Bodle noted that the new system was to fix the subjectivity. <br /> Commissioner Dobson noted that productivity and efficiency are issues, and that Mayor <br /> Luecke sits on the study commission. The Connect Report should be reviewed. He suggested <br /> that more flexibility is needed. <br /> State Representative Warlorski noted that the smaller counties may have more <br /> consolidation options in light of the efficiency model.SHe thought it would take 12-18 months to <br /> work through the issues addressing efficiency. <br /> Council Member Kelly suggested that large counties also need to look at consolidation of <br /> operations. If things can be done more efficiently and less expensively, then they should be <br /> considered. He gave the example of metro communication which was very frustrating. <br /> Council Member Pfeifer inquired whether any progress has been made in interfacing <br /> crime data between Mishawaka, South Bend, and the county; noting that when she worked in <br /> probation that it was a real problem. <br /> Chief Fautz noted that some progress has been made, but not enough. Commissioner <br /> Bodle added that computerization has helped in this area. <br /> Informal Meeting of the South Bend Common Council November 5,2004---Page 3 <br />