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Council Member Pfeifer stated that she would like to see standards for property owners <br /> who are landlords, since there are too many slum landlords who are terrible. She believes that <br /> slum landlords are not entitled to any type of relief and should go out of business. She estimated <br /> that 10-15%of landlords are slum landlords. <br /> Council Member Kuspa noted that there was a question on the ballot regarding property <br /> taxes. <br /> Council Member Kirsits noted that that issue passed overwhelmingly. He stated that it <br /> would give the legislature the ability to pursue further exemptions, but the economists were <br /> against it. <br /> State Representative-Elect Warlorski stated that one of the concerns is the danger of <br /> placing more of the burden onto farmers. She thought that there would be "sweeping changes" <br /> in the next 2-4 years in light of the new state administration. <br /> City Clerk John Voorde noted that reinvestment credit or maintenance allowances are <br /> items which could be implemented through the township assessors. <br /> Council Member Pfeifer suggested that there need to be more public conversations on <br /> property taxes. Town Hall forums with Q & A's with good media coverage would be very <br /> helpful since many persons are confused and very upset. <br /> Council Member Puzzello also suggested that more public venues be pursued which <br /> address property taxes. <br /> Council Member Kelly stated that he agreed in principle with the Indiana Supreme Court <br /> opinion which held that market rate should be used for property taxes, however believes that the <br /> implementation of it was crazy. <br /> Council President White stated that the overall impact of the Court's decision on <br /> properties should be reviewed, and suggested that it would be very helpful to see a map of the <br /> areas most significantly affected in the state. People need information which needs to be shared <br /> in public forums,and neighborhoods need to be assured that they will be safe. <br /> City Clerk John Voorde suggested that the California model should be looked at since it <br /> uses an assessment value at sales price with a%as a ceiling. <br /> County Council President Morton stated that the topic of property taxes is not going <br /> away. He stated that the situation is "not bad, it is terrible". He questioned whether there was <br /> any evaluation of the impact of the assessment before it was implemented. <br /> Commissioner Bodle noted that a phased-in program should have been considered; and <br /> noted support for John Voorde suggestion to look at the California model. <br /> Council Member Kirsits noted that at the last luncheon Senator Broden noted that there <br /> are many areas of the state which are not affected at all. He stated that all options should be <br /> discussed by the state legislature with an emphasis on fairness and ways to help inner cities. <br /> Informal Meeting of the South Bend Common Council November 5,2004---Page 2 <br />