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Community and ~cono~~c D~ve~opmen~ ~m~ttee <br />r~~g~ ~ <br />In response to ~ question from Council Member I~u~~ello, it was noted that this location <br />i not located in the proposed BID districts <br />Council Member ~irits inquired whether the 7-~ location was being considered to be <br />taken over by the Clinic, and was advised that it was nat. <br />l~r. Inks stated that the South Bend Clinic has made a tremendous commitment to <br />Routh Bend and h recommended ghat the Committee take favorably actian on tl~e <br />special exception request far the 3~year abatement. <br />1=allowing discussion, Council 1Ulember Puzelio made a notion, seconded by Council <br />lUlember Ill~hite that Substitute Bill 1'Vot 07`-0 be recomr~ended favorably to Council. <br />The matian passed. <br />Bili No~ ~~- ~~ ~ uet to Auth~r~ae the i~la ~r to u~r~it An A iicat~an for <br />A ~etr~leur~ Re~n~diatiort grant <br />Council illlember Dieter called far a presentation on Bill No. al-~~ which would authorise <br />IUlayor Luecke to submit an application to the Indiana Department I`inance ~4uthority far <br />a grant from the petroleum Remediation Grant Incentive grogram far ~~ Portage <br />Avenue. <br />Lip ll~aradik, a Planner with the Department of Community ~ Economic Development <br />made the formal presentation, She Hated that the maximum grant amount would be <br />~~a,a0a and thatthe Departn~entof orr~rr~unity and Ecanamic Development. <br />There was no pudic input on the Bill. <br />Council lUlember White made a r~otian, seconded by Council Member Pu~zella that Bill <br />hlo. aT-~ be recernmended favorably to Cauncil. The matian passed. <br />Rresentation on tie an ~eWE~rn ~evel~ ment Area: <br />Council IUlernber Dieter then called upon Don 1nl~s to provide an update on the Sample <br />Ewing Develaprnent Area. <br />Don Inks introduced Andy Laurent, Project IUlanager, who provided apowr-point <br />presentation on the "State of the BBDA.aa~l" ~CopY of ~ -page power-paint handout <br />attached}. The Sample~Ewing Development area encompasses the Sautheast <br />Neighborhood, the Stu~debal~er Corridor, the Rum Village i~leighbarhood, Routh <br />Gateway an~mercial Corridor, and the Sample, Calverfi and Glive Street industrial <br />corridors. The EDA T11= gill be consumed by debt seruice through ~a~. <br />