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Cammur~ity aid ~co~omic Developrnr~t Co~nr~ittee <br />February ~ ~~~1 <br />tae 7 <br />tudebakerlGliver is funded by Ioans, grants and RD revenue and is projected to be <br />million under funded. BUD section ~ ~~ Ioans are backed by TIF and ~~D dollars. <br />Grants from the U nviranmental Protection Agency, ~' and lFA are also involved. <br />There are several lavusuit pending in the insurance recovery area where the city i <br />using outside legal counsel from Indianapolis, along r~ith the pity Attorney's Office who <br />have been working an such cases far the past six ~~~ years 3 of ~' properties have <br />been acquired v~ith all properties projected to be acquired by February of X08. There <br />are three ~'} phases to den~aliticn, f~llo~ved by environmental cleanup, infrastructure <br />and then marketing and development TlA1P~ expects to have a ground breaking in <br />the spring of X008, <br />auncil l~ernber Pfeifer inquired about the process to nnerge ecanon~ic deveiopment <br />districts, and was advised by Don ln~CS that areas have been merged in the past and <br />v~ould inval~re the council. <br />Council l~lember Dieter thanked Andy and Don far the information they have shared; <br />and then formally introduced Phis Panzica to the committee, a local architect uwrha will <br />serve as one of the Cornrittee' citizen members. <br />There being na furkher business to come before the committee, Council Illlember Dieter <br />adjourned the meeting at 4:3 p,m. <br />Repectf submitte <br />Councii Member Derek D. Dieter, chairperson <br />Con~n~unity and economic Deveiopr~ent omrr~ittee <br />Attachments <br />